Saturday, July 16, 2016

MMM: Murder, Mayhem, and Minorities, in Our Nation’s Capitol: Saintly, Idealistic, Young White Man Came to Washington, to Help the Democrat Party Steal Elections Through Voter Fraud, Only to be Murdered One Block from His D.C. Apartment, by a Raceless, Faceless, Democrat


Seth Conrad Rich: Live by Democrats, die by Democrats. Unfortunately, this is not The West Wing, so the vic is really dead.

By Prince George’s County Ex-Pat

“Comments are now closed. We turn off the comments on stories dealing with personal loss, tragedies or other sensitive topics.” The Washington Post

We know why the Post won't allow comments - because people will tell it like it is... the feral minorities strike again. And another white killed by a black. And we know the political left lies by omission.

A 27-year-old white guy from Nebraska killed in NW DC.


Vigil for Seth Conrad Rich held outside of his apartment, on July 13

“There was his boss, a congresswoman. The neighbor in a wheelchair, whom he helped plow out of the snow after a storm, was also there. His favorite bartender. His co-workers. His old friend from summer camp. His council member. His three roommates he met on Craigslist. His neighbors who never met him but remember him riding his bike in front of their homes.

“More than 100 people attended a vigil Wednesday evening in Bloomingdale to remember the life of Seth Conrad Rich — the 27-year-old Democratic National Committee staffer shot dead in the Northwest D.C. neighborhood early Sunday morning. Rich was shot several times, at least once in the back, about 4:20 a.m., a block away from his home. Police said they have no suspects, witnesses or motive, but they are looking at whether Rich could have been slain in an attempted robbery.”

Chuck Baldwin: First Religious Wars, Now race Wars.


  1. Blacks Lives Matter protest evaporates after local black group partners with police.
    The big BLM appearance in Grand Rapids quickly dissipated when the local black teenage group that started the idea,decided to have GR Police play a significant role in organizing the event.As I texted yesterday,BLM pulled it's endorsement away from anything to do with the scheduled proceedings after finding out the local black group,"Am I Next?",was letting police have a large voice and presence.Quoting BLM,"We are pulling our support of this protest as BLM does not agree with the local group--that police should be involved.The police ARE the problem and we will not be involved in anything the police are involved with."
    WOODTV estimated only a few hundred showed up(not the 3000 estimated) and it was calm.
    This should be an eye opener for ANYONE who thinks BLM is a peaceful organizatipn and in fact,ARE cop haters.Their agenda is not for cooperation and harmony,but lawlessness and civil disorder--with no goal in mind but creating chaos.
    A welcome turn of events today in Grand Rapids.There IS a note on BLM Facebook page that
    suggests a BLM protest will still occur in GR at 6pm,but i have not seen anything else on it.

  2. Blacks Ambush Cops in Baton Rouge.3 killed.
    As I wrote in the last two days,Baton Rouge was said to be the site of a plot to kill police.Arrests were made last week of 3 blacks who were trying to steal guns in preparation for such an ambush.
    Today,blacks again proved that they're like cockroaches,as more of them came out from the cracks in the wall of criminal society that they hide in,and shot up to 7 police answering a call--3 so far fatally.
    What is Cleveland going to be like?
    --GR Anonymous

  3. "Seth Conrad Rich". Nicholas suspects Seth was Jewish?

  4. "Jewish": I have no idea what Rich's religion was.
