Thursday, July 21, 2016

Guess the Races: Suspected Gunmen Identified in Killing of Veteran Kansas City Kansas Police Captain, Robert Dave Melton (Photos)


War crime victim: Kansas City, KS Police Department Captain Robert Dave Melton was shot and killed at 1:58 p.m. Tuesday, responding to a report of a drive-by shooting

Thanks to David in TN.

“Two arrested in shooting death of KCK police officer” (KWCH).

Photos of the usual suspects.


Suspected war criminals Jamaal Lewis and Daqon Sipple


  1. So-called Police Officials have announced Captain Melton's murder was "not an ambush."

    George Orwell couldn't have made this up.

  2. Who does the Melton family get to sue in this situation to get some civil justice?Blacks-as a race-have shown that their first thoughts,after being involved in scenarios where cops injure/kill blacks in the line of duty,are of hitting the black lotto.The guilt of their thug family members means's the black lotto that matters--getting some undeserved cash-even before a criminal investigation and trial is completed.
    In this situation,the two blacks have committed a heinous,anti-white,anti-police related crime,yet the white family has no recourse in civil court,because the blacks,in all likely hood,have squat to sue for.The Melton's,I'm sure,do not have the same mindset that blacks do--which is to profit from a family members death.However,brother "Jayvonne" or "Jamarious" gets into it with police and the dollar signs light up in black family members eyes.No,all the Melton's will have from the death of their husband,father and productive member of the country,is a funeral and some insurance money.There SHOULD be a way to punish the thugs in civil court as well.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. P.S.After I had a cup of coffee and watched the Negro Nightly News try to provoke again--with another video (from Miami),of a black getting shot in the leg by a cop,I came up with the solution of who the Melton's should sue.None other than Lestah Holt.A lawsuit against him and the other networks for inciting all of this,would have as good a chance to win as Carlson vs Ailes--imho.

  4. I have learned from my African potentate that we must not prejudice ourselves with an opinion on the utter, naked, capricious and feral randomness of this event. It could happen anywhere.
    Still, let's not be divisive and imply that all lives matter.

  5. Police Captain shot dead. That is a great rarity.

    I guess the reports of the drive by were correct.

    Look at the mug shots of those two savages.
