Thursday, June 30, 2016

Black Inventors Know No Limits: There’s: 1. The “Knockout Game” of Sucker-Punch Attacks; 2. Slashing White Women’s Faces; and 3. The New Rage, Forcing Bags of Feces Down White Women’s Pants! But NBC News Somehow Forgot to Give the Police Description of the Perp! (Video of the Crime!)

By Nicholas Stix

I thank the reader (Jerry PDX/GRA?) who anonymously posted this article to me.

Check out readers’ comments, before they get sent down the memory hole!

Second update: I went to several sites to get the video code, but either it wouldn't show up at all, or Firefox would refuse to enable it, warning that the video wasn't properly configured, and would steal my (and your) information. So, you'll have to hit one of the links, in order to view the video at a news site.

Update: Apparently, there were two such attacks on Monday, but the other attack was even worse--the raceless perp threw feces on a raceless white woman.

CBS News gives the real police description: “In that incident, a 33-year-old woman was walking along 91st Street between Madison and Park avenues around 2:25 p.m., when the suspect threw excrement at her.

The woman was hit in the face and torso, police said.

The suspect is described by police as a 40-year-old black [!] man, 6 feet tall and weighing 200 pounds with an Afro [!] hair style.”



“Man Violently Shoves Feces-Filled Bag Down Woman's Pants on Upper East Side: NYPD”
NBC New York

Police are looking for a man captured on video violently shoving a bag of feces down the pants of a woman walking on the Upper East Side Monday. (Published Thursday, June 30, 2016)

Police are looking for a man captured on video violently shoving a bag of feces down the pants of a woman walking on Manhattan's Upper East Side Monday.

The 27-year-old woman was walking on East 74th Street near First Avenue at about 6 p.m. when the man approached her from behind, grabbed her waist and shoved a bag of feces down her pants, police said.

He grabbed her buttocks, then ran away.

Surveillance video released by police Wednesday shows the suspect [sic] catching up to the victim as she walks while on her cellphone. He quickly grabs her from behind, and the startled victim tries to yank herself out of his grasp and pivots away from him.

[That’s not the “suspect,” it’s the perp. A suspect is someone the police have identified as a perp, but who has not yet been charged by prosecutors, and who still enjoys the presumption of innocence. The man in the video has not been identified, but he is 100% certainly guilty of the crime in question, i.e., the perpetrator. The MSM call perps “suspects” as part of their criminal assistance program.]

After a brief struggle, the suspect [sic] chucks off a pair of latex gloves, then flees, the video shows.

Police said the attack was random and the woman did not know the suspect.

[“Random” is unwitting, police racial code for a black-on-white hate crime.]

The suspect is described as about 40 years old, 6 feet tall and 200 pounds. Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS.

[That was not the police description; NBC News racially censored it.]

Published 4 hours ago


  1. Is there any wonder why the US Judiciary does everything it can to disarm whitey in the streets of America? If white people shot back at all the Black thugs that attack them, the streets would run with rivers of blood. We need true unrestricted carry of weapons, without licenses and police permits. Like Vermont, Alaska and Arizona. All gun control now is to enable Black mayhem.

  2. Don't forget the boons like to burn their white women up,or make them OD or turn into hos and THEN OD or get torched.Lots of options when you hook up with a black dude.
    --GR Anonymous
