Sunday, May 15, 2016

What’s that, You Say? Liberal Jews Fled, at Warp-Speed, the Black and Hispanic Integration of the Los Angeles Public Schools? Imposserus! Only Racist Gentiles Do That!

Excerpted by Nicholas Stix

“Jews in L.A. have had a long and textured relationship with the public education system. From the 1890s, when the city first established elementary and high school districts, through to the 1960s, public education was a mainstay of the Jewish community.

“But when school demographics began to shift as working class Latino and African American populations burgeoned, many Jewish families pulled out of public schools and migrated to the private realm.

“The Jewish exodus from LAUSD reached its peak during the desegregation movement of the 1970s. After the ACLU filed a lawsuit in 1963 to end segregation in L.A. schools, the LAUSD board created voluntary integration programs, introducing magnet schools and giving district schools the option of busing students from lower-performing facilities to higher performing schools. In 1976, the California Supreme Court charged state school districts with enforcing integration. In response, two years later the L.A. school board began a sweeping mandatory busing program that would reassign more than 60,000 students, transferring minority children from downtown and South L.A. to predominantly white schools in the San Fernando Valley and the Westside, and vice versa.”

[Read the whole thing at VDARE.]


  1. Jerry pdx
    Some people seem to think that being Jewish is somehow different than being white, in a racial sense anyways. Do those idiots think that blacks somehow perceive a Jew as being different than a white person? No they don't. Most Jews are caucasian, yeah they have some distant Middle Eastern origins but most Jews of today have resided in Europe for millennia and are nearly genetically identical to most white Europeans, as far as blacks are concerned they have white skin and practicing the Jewish religion doesn't excempt them from black racist violence. Jews know that and that's why they leave when there are too many negroes.

  2. Now we (whites)need to figure out where blacks are going to migrate to in tbe future--so we can avoid those areas as a lot of time and stress by eliminating an unnecessary house purchase.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. "But when school demographics began to shift as working class Latino and African American populations burgeoned, many Jewish families pulled out of public schools and migrated to the private realm."

    "Well, I want my kid to go to a good school", says the Jewish liberal.
