Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Apparatchiks: The GOP Has Become a Real Life Version of a Mel Brooks Comedy

Excerpted by Nicholas Stix

David Cole is my favorite Jewish Holocaust-denier, bar none!

Springtime for Donald Trump
By David Cole
May 12, 2016
Taki’s Mag

If you strip away the swastikas and goose-stepping, The Producers is, at heart, a story about wresting success from failure. Max Bialystock is a Broadway producer who has lost the ability to give theatergoers what they want, so he hatches a brilliant plan: If he can’t mount a successful show, he’ll produce one that’s destined to flop, and find a way to profit from it. Win by losing—it’s a concept that fascinated me as a child. I had no idea at the time, but watching The Producers was actually a form of training for becoming involved in West Los Angeles GOP politics….

[Read the whole thing at Taki’s Mag.]

1 comment:

  1. When Cole was going by the name David Stein, he wrote Op-Eds in the L.A. Times. According to his recent book, some were on the reality of black on white crime.

    I couldn't find any of them, probably erased.

    I'll send you a piece on the subject Cole wrote for Taki Mag a few months ago.
