Saturday, May 21, 2016

MSM Reporters are Notorious for Crapping on the Public; Well, This One Took that Practice a Step Further! Arizona TV Reporter Staking Out Story About Dog-Killer was Arrested for Defecating on Neighbor’s Property, and Lost His Job; Then Again, It’s Complicated, and May All be the Fault of Patrick Zane Thompson


Jonathan Lowe, in his mug shot Monday, top, and in better times

[Of related interest: “Black Animal Cruelty, or Just Service to God? Former Arizona State University Football Player Patrick Zane Thompson Arrested…”]

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I thank the anonymous reader who sent me this story.

I feel badly for Jonathan Lowe, the reporter in question. Talk about a bad day! Reporters often spend hours at a time in a news van and, when you gotta go, you gotta go! And it was all for the sake of the crazy Patrick Zane Thompson story!

I don’t understand why Lowe couldn’t have done his business in the van in a bucket, or on some newspapers. Wasn’t the van outfitted with some, er, amenities, along those lines? Well, I’ll bet it will be, from now on!

Arizona TV reporter arrested for defecating on lawn while covering a story
By Christopher Brennan
Updated: Friday, May 20, 2016, 10:25 A.M.
New York Daily News

Getting the story is always priority No. 1, but a Phoenix TV reporter seems to have forgotten about No. 2 until it was too late.

Jonathan Lowe, a reporter for KPHO, was arrested Monday afternoon after allegedly defecating on a front lawn near the subject of his story’s home.

The 33-year-old was seen by a neighbor as he picked up papers from the street before leaning against the wall of a house and relieving himself, according to a Goodyear police report obtained by his station.

An officer tasked with the job of tracking Lowe down said the suspect admitted to using the yard as an impromptu latrine.

“I know what you want to talk to me about. I’ve been feeling very sick and I’ve been stuck in this van all day,” he said, according to the report.

“Those people who called on me just wanted to start problems.”

The woman who made the call about Lowe heeding nature’s call said that he could have used her bathroom if he had knocked on her door.

Lowe was arrested for public defecation, and now faces a fine of $2,500 or six months in jail for the misdemeanor, according to the Phoenix New Times.

KPHO news director Dan Wilson told the Times Wednesday that Lowe was still employed, though the channel’s Thursday night write-up of their colleague’s legal troubles called him a “former KPHO/KTVK reporter.”

The journalist’s bio page on the station’s site is no longer active, while a list of his articles shows the story he was covering during his bathroom breakdown.

Lowe's final piece for his station was an article about the case of Patrick Zane Thompson.

The 58-year-old [? The story I have, is that Thompson is 42.] former Arizona State football player and restaurant owner is accused of “sacrificing” his family’s poodle in a BBQ smoker after becoming upset about his daughter’s t-shirt.

A police report narrative showed Lowe telling an officer that he had been feeling sick.

A police report narrative showed Lowe telling an officer that he had been feeling sick.

(Goodyear Police Department)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe if Lowe didn't EAT so damn much.He must have put on 80lbs comparing his before and after pics.Too many rib dinners will do that.
    --GR Anonymous
