Saturday, May 07, 2016

Evelyn Rich and the Jewish Question

By Nicholas Stix

I have never met, nor have I ever communicated with Evelyn Rich, and until yesterday, I had no idea that anyone had ever honored her, by claiming that she was a Jew. I have a longstanding professional relationship with her husband, Jared Taylor, with whom I have repeatedly broken bread, over the years. I have long suspected Jared of being a Jew, because he’s so brilliant. However, I’ve never popped the question with him.

Well, apparently, in some circles, being a Jew is inexplicably not an honor. Luke Ford tracked down Evelyn Rich, she responded to his entreaties, and it made for quite the virtual interview.


  1. I'd never heard of Evelyn Rich nor the De Nugent guy who appears to have instigated all this. I wish I'd remained so uninformed. De Nugent is a crackpot. Even more nutty than most of the folks you see in these organized public pro-white organizations, De Nugent also goes in for MK-ULTRA, chemtrails, and aliens while alleging the White House is calling him to make telephone threats. Rich appears to be over educated but largely out of the spotlight on her publicity seeking mate Jared Taylor. And Taylor himself has always publicly presented a pro-white persona without being anti anything except efforts to force harm on whites. So why does Rich now decide to publish her family tree all over the web or for that matter to respond to this De Nugent clown at all? Why feed the crazy? Why advertise herself and her family to the rabid SJW minions?

  2. "I have long suspected Jared of being a Jew, because he’s so brilliant. However, I’ve never popped the question with him." - In all the years I had never pegged you as a Jewish supremacist.

    What does religion have to do with anything in this context?

    You do good work here and at Vdare but considering the overwhelming influence of Jews in the left wing of this country,especially in the open borders lobby,then perhaps we should not make a big deal out of a person's religion.
