Saturday, April 16, 2016

The “Flying While Black” Hoax: Black Supremacist Female Interferes with White Stewardess, Gets Herself Thrown Off Plane, and Now Seeks to Extort a Fortune Out of American Airlines


Imani Cezanne, in her Black Lives Matter t-shirt on March 25, when she held up her plane for 13 minutes, and got herself thrown off

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

On March 25, a black supremacist female calling herself “Imani Cezanne,” interfered with a white stewardess on her Atlanta-bound plane from Charlotte. The stewardess was switching the seats of a couple who were sitting by the emergency exit who didn’t know English, which they had to be fluent in, in case of an emergency. Cezanne, who was sitting opposite the couple, interjected herself into the situation, and apparently challenged the stewardess’ authority. (Cezanne has made clear in twits collected by The Ralphretort that she hates all white people, no matter what they do, or don’t do.) When the stewardess’ manager ordered Cezanne off the plane, she refused. And so the manager had to summon two cops, who had the misfortune of being cops while white. The cops then removed Cezanne from the plane.


Immediately after the incident, Cezanne tweeted up a fury. I have copied and pasted every twit from Cezanne that I could find, related to her hoax.

The upshot is that she is suing American Airlines, seeking to win the ghetto lottery. It looks like she’s going to get something.

I had an incident of my own nine or ten years ago, on AA. My family had not been seated together, on our transfer to Trinidad, and the agent in the airport—Miami International—in the departure area (if memory serves) told me to bring this up with the person who greeted us upon boarding. I did as the agent had told me, but the woman who greeted us responded by immediately threatening to throw me off the plane. She was tall, slender, pretty (white Hispanic, I believe), had long dark hair, and looked just like the actress Angie Harmon, of Law & Order. As soon as she cast eyes on me, she had decided that she was going to either throw me off the plane, or publicly humiliate me.


It must have been because I’m black. But I forgot to sue the airline.

We never flew American again, after that.

Related stories by The Ralphretort:

“Was the #FlyingWhileBlack Hoax Premeditated?”;

“Belligerent #FlyingWhileBlack Scammer Tried to Argue Federal Law with Flight Crew.”



[On the original page, the foregoing twit was dated 10:24 PM - 26 March 2016.]


  1. Black lottery indeed.The newest scam:.Create a situation,sue and settle out of court. (See my posting of Muskegon black lottery winner gets 1.5m yesterday).It s almost as if the black population has morphed itself into a strategy of constantly looking for a lawsuit and a payday.The black race-as one-understands this as a next step to use illegality and noncompliance to extract money.The more the legal system allows this,the more black lotteries we'll see attempted.
    --GR Anonymous.

  2. What do you think of that Black female, Ethel Easter, who hid a recorder in her hair and recorded the surgery as it was performed?

    "While Easter says she does not intend to sue anyone, she wants to share her story."

    So, why did she do this? Seems as though it was a "Ghetto Lottery" scam operation that FAILED because whitey was just acting WHITE.

  3. Hopefully, this she-boon will never want for fried chicken and watermelon for the rest of its life. "Gibs me dat!"

  4. I am a former liberal who us now a self-proclaimed racist and not ashamed to say so. The whole point of calling anyone the R-word is to get them to kiss the but of the accusers. I don't play that so my response to the accusation is always to say "Absolutely", which catches them off-balance and shuts them up because they know that trying to intimate me will not get them the expected reward. I notice that Hispanics get white-washing into "white Hispanics" whenever Hispanics accuse Hispanics of "rscism".
