Monday, April 11, 2016

Brass Knuckles? Check; Stolen AR-15, Loaded with a 27-Round Mag? Check; You are Now Properly Prepared and Accessorized for a Diversity Baby Shower


An AR-15 like the baby shower accessory

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“Detroit: Was Delric Miller IV Murdered Over a Seat at a Baby Shower?; Are Genocidal Black Supremacist Malik Zulu Shabazz and the Nation of Islam Murder Cult Angling to Take Over City?”]

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Thanks to Prince George’s County Ex-Pat for this little heartwarmer.

Police arrest man who responded to an argument at a baby shower with an AR-15 in hand
By Frightened, Anonymous Reporter
Monday, April 11th 2016

WALDORF, Md. (ABC7) — Charles County Sheriff's Office arrested 21-year-old Rodrigueze Lavon Nowlin, Jr. for carrying an AR-15 back to a party after getting into an argument with a male guest.

Police say an officer was flagged down in the 2000 block of Nantucket Dr. in Waldorf after a person reported seeing a man carrying a long-gun at a nearby recreation center.

Police responded and noticed Nowlin walking in the parking lot holding the rifle. When the officer drove toward Nowlin, he hid behind a car.

The cop ordered Nowlin to surrender the gun, at which time he did. Once secured, officers located the AR-15 loaded with 27 rounds.

A preliminary investigation revealed that Nowlin was at the center attending a baby shower with around 13 other people when he got into an argument with another man.

Police say the two argued and the other man assaulted Nowlin. Nowlin then allegedly left the party and retrieved the gun from his car. He was walking back to the center when guests observed him and locked the doors.

In the meantime, the man allegedly arguing with Nowlin fled, but was eventually stopped by police. Police say he had brass knuckles on him.

Nowlin was arrested and charged with multiple counts of first-degree assault, second-degree assault, and reckless endangerment.

A check revealed the gun was reportedly ["reportedly"? By what media organization?] stolen from North Carolina.

1 comment:

  1. The look, the glance, the stare, the perceived look, glance or stare. The parking spot, the cigarette, the quarter, someone is dead. Very typical.
