Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lou Dobbs on Donald Trump (Poster)

Will the real Lou Dobbs please stand up?


  1. I don't think he CAN stand up...looks pretty wobbly most of the time.
    New polls just came out today:
    Clinton beats Trump 48-39%
    Clinton beats Cruz 43-40
    Kasich kills Clinton 48-37
    Sanders beats them all....
    So why aren t Sanders and Kasich the guys with the most electoral votes?
    Because the these polls are political and have agendas.If Kasich can t beat Trump,how in the name of the 1962 New York Mets can Kasich beat Clinton.The Mets--the worst team ever-should ve gone right to the World Series in a similar experiment because in a matchup with the Yankees they had as good a chance to win as anyone...until they played them of course.
    ------GR Anonymous
