Sunday, February 21, 2016

Multicultural Sunday Wrap-Up

By Nicholas Stix

At Countenance, natch.


  1. For your viewing (dis)pleasure:
    ABC is promoting this weeks episode of "Blackish" as "a way to present the current conditions as only Blackish can bring them".They show a clip of the family watching all the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore and Anthony Anderson talking about "injustice and how to explain it to my kids".
    Either he rips the police,white people or both it would seem.My question:If a viewpoint like that is allowed to be aired--why cant ANYONE give an opposing viewpoint following that show?Why can t white people rip into black drug dealers,black thugs,porch dwelling blacks who do nothing and don t want to.I want to watch it to see how absurd and melodramatic the show gets but I might have to borrow a high blood pressure pill from someone beforehand.I hope the police come out and respond to what will probably be more slanted black b.s..It s not "Blackish",it s "BlackBullsh*t"

  2. Part 2 about "Blackish".
    Monday night ABC decided to promote the upcoming episode on "Nightline" by producing a segment talking with the cast members about how relevant and great the show is.In the spirit of openmindedness I watched.The first thing I noticed is that "Blackish" is not the only show that has a black cast."Nightline",while not as extreme as the Negro Nightly News,is definitely heading that way.Byron Pitts--an undistinguishable black host-introduced the segment and handed off to a female black reporter (whose name escapes me).She went on to interview Anthony Anderson and feed him questions like:"Why is your show so relevant?" and "This show must makes people uncomfortable...what do you think of that?"
    The upcoming show proudly promotes talk about police abuse and brings up all the Black Luves Matter martyrs:Teyvon Martin,Freddie Gray and that poor 300 lb black thug that started it all in Ferguson Missouri.All are brought up by Lawrence Fishburn as heroes.
    Anderson was asked if he ever experienced police brutality.He said he was "stopped once years ago because I was black".
    Guess what?I was stopped by cops THREE TIMES in my youth because I had long hair and a crappy car.Was I doing anything?No.But I never had a criminal record and I wasn t doing anything wrong,I said "yes sir, no sir" and went on my way.
    That isn t the answer given to the masses concerning black/police confrontations.Blacks don t cooperate..they don t have clean criminal records but they ARE up to no good at early hours of the morning when police stop them.
    This show also showed clips of whites.gleefully being the butt of jokes by the "Blackish" cast members for example:
    White office worker to Anderson character:"How do blacks say Good Morning Everyone?"
    Anderson:"Pretty much just like that".
    REALLY?We (whites)are THAT stupid?Of course not.There looks to be a lot of white chastising and racist humor that rivals "Amos and Andy"--except Amos and Andy are WHITE.
    Why can t there be a show called "Whiteish" that depicts whites in an increasingly hostile world of blacks and Mexicans that are destroying our country.Lets show the blacks on the porch not working,doing drug deals down the block,turning tricks,doing B&Es and yes...lots of black on black and black on white crime.No--we ll just put "Blackish"on instead and ignore the truth about blacks.I know this segment was enough viewing for me.I wasted enough time on that show last night.
    --Gr Anonymous.
