Saturday, January 09, 2016

Update on Hate Crime Arson Committed at Michael Slager’s Home; “Protester” Had Threatened Violence Three Days Earlier; Racist Post and Courier Expresses Support of Hate Crime, by Pooh-Poohing Its Significance


“Police investigated the area where a fire was started at the home of Michael Slager Friday night [sic] Hanahan. Cleve O’Quinn/Staff”

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Note the antiseptic title: “Fire reported at Michael Slager’s Hanahan address.” Because the victims are white, the Post and Courier editors assume that the perps are almost certainly black, and the P&C thus support the perps, they seek to diminish the significance of a terroristic hate crime, to the point of just calling the crime a “fire,” and the house “Michael Slager’s Hanahan address.” What is a person’s “address”? Does he have an office there? A storage bin? The house is the Slager family home. That they are not currently staying there, is because Mrs. Slager had to flee for her life, due to death threats. Thus, the parents and their infant are holed elsewhere, hiding out from the peaceful, black supremacist, lynch mob.

Fire reported at Michael Slager’s Hanahan address
By Christina Elmore Email @celmorepc
Jan 8 2016 10:19 p.m.
Jan 8 11:47 p.m.
Post and Courier

Hanahan police are investigating after a fire was reported Friday night at Michael Slager’s Hanahan address.

A neighbor reportedly put out a small fire at the home around 9:20 p.m. on Yeamans Hall Road, Hanahan Police Capt. Michael Fowler said.

Two people dressed in black were seen running from the scene, he said. A neighbor extinguished the flames, Fowler said, and minor damage was reported in the incident. Charleston County sheriff’s deputies are assisting in the investigation.
The house has been vacant since Slager, a former North Charleston police officer, was arrested on a murder charge in connection with the shooting death of Walter Scott in April.

[The house isn’t “vacant” because Slager was arrested, it’s vacant because Mrs. Slager had to flee for her life.]

Demonstrators gathered earlier in the day at North Charleston City Hall to protest a judge’s decision to release Slager Monday from the Charleston County jail on $500,000 bail.

During a news conference the day after Slager’s release, one protester told reporters that there would be no peace in the city if the 9th Circuit Solicitor’s Office didn’t appeal the judge’s order. Asked to elaborate on what could occur, the protester told reporters to “wait and see.”

[That’s a terroristic threat, which is a crime all by itself. Well, now we’ve seen.]

In an interview, James Johnson, the South Carolina president for the civil rights group National Action Network, discouraged the public from assuming the fire was the work of protesters. All demonstrations have been peaceful so far, he stressed as evidence.

[The foregoing paragraph was incompetently written. James Johnson didn’t “discourage the public from assuming the fire was the work of protesters,” he sought to “discourage the public.” “Evidence.” That previous demonstrations had been peaceful isn’t “evidence” that the arson wasn’t by the racist protesters. A protester threatened violence, and the threat was carried out. That’s “evidence,” alright, but the opposite kind from what James Johnson is talking about. And while we’re on the subject, why would alleged reporter Christina Elmore refer to the National Action Network as a “civil rights group,” without mentioning that is the racket of black supremacist career criminal, Al Sharpton? Because she supports him, natch!]

“(Slager) has a lot of enemies. It doesn’t have to be the protesters out there doing something to his home,” Johnson said.

[Like who? Al Sharpton goon James Johnson is just blowing smoke. Prior to April 4, 2015, unlike criminal Walter Scott, Michael Slager had led an exemplary life. Johnson's credibility, like that of Sharpton, is non-existent.]

If an investigation reveals that a protester did set the fire, Johnson said “they should be arrested. They should be put in jail.”

A portion of the home’s vinyl siding was damaged in the fire. Charleston County Sheriff’s Maj. Eric Watson confirmed that an incendiary device in the form of a glass cocktail bottle was found at the scene.

An arson investigation is currently underway, Fowler said.

Reach Christina Elmore at 843-937-5908.

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