Monday, January 11, 2016

The Definitive List of Everything that Made David Bowie a Genius!

By Nicholas Stix


  1. Jerry pdx
    David Bowie was a genius. Sorry, you may not like him or be familiar with his work but his 70's music was on par with anything by the Stones or the Beatles. His lp's: Hunky Dory, Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust, Low, Heroes were among the greatest rock albums of all time, songs like Changes and Space Oddity have become standards. He's influenced a vast number of contemporary artists, virtually all of whom are inferior. A lot of people will point to his glam rock stylings as influential also but I don't care about fashion, that's a distraction from his true genius, anybody can dress up in outrageous outfits, not everyone can write timeless music and lyrics like David Bowie could.
    He also did credible work as an actor also, he may not have been great but he didn't embarrass himself either

  2. Back in the day I must have worn out 3 copies of Ziggy Stardust, good times those 70's. Bowie basically wrote all his songs, words and music, with only few exceptions. Played guitar, keyboard and even sax on a lot of tracks. Produced and arranged much of his music, was a one man wrecking crew throughout his career. He took up painting later on and from what I hear was very good, his original works have fetched big sums. He was a true renaissance man, if that ain't a genius I don't know what is.

  3. I found his music sloppy, limp and pretentious. If you're going to bank on spectacle, at least back it up with competent music. Alice Cooper at least had a kick-ass band and a sense of humor.


  5. I was surprised to see a snarky vacuous list. Surprised, because I think it's beneath you. Does the recognition paid to David Bowie on the occasion of his death somehow offend the Sinatra-lover? I don't know from "genius" but Bowie was indisputably influential, original and eclectic. What's more, he wrote much of his own material.
    A lot of music lovers, myself included, mourn the loss of a rare talent. There's no call for a cheap shot.

  6. Jerry PDX,

    I would not cal anything the Beatles or the Rolling Stones did "genius," either, and I like some of what the latter did, and a great deal of the former's work.

  7. Anonymous said...Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 11:30:00 PM EST

    "I was surprised to see a snarky vacuous list. Surprised, because I think it's beneath you. Does the recognition paid to David Bowie on the occasion of his death somehow offend the Sinatra-lover? I don't know from "genius" but Bowie was indisputably influential, original and eclectic. What's more, he wrote much of his own material.

    [As you said, you don't know from "genius."]

    "A lot of music lovers, myself included, mourn the loss of a rare talent. There's no call for a cheap shot."

    I didn't take a cheap shot at David Bowie, but a lot of people paid him a cheap compliment.
