Saturday, January 30, 2016

Pope Francis: Stupid, Vain, Weak, or Simply Evil?



Excerpted by Nicholas Stix

Pope Francis, Far from Infallible
By Hugh Fitzgerald
Mann Deville

At the beginning of every year, the Pope delivers an address in Rome to welcome the foreign diplomatic corps accredited to the Vatican. Pope Francis, a nice guy, has just delivered such a speech. It deserves attention.

The main theme of Francis’s speech is immigration… But Pope Francis neglects to discuss what is for some of us so disturbing about the current migration into Europe…

The Pope does allude vaguely to “the grave crisis of migration” — but he is sure that those migrants who are true to their faith, whatever that faith may be … are not the problem. For “every authentic practice of religion cannot fail to promote peace.”

[Read the whole thing here.]

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