Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kansas Department of Children and Families to Provide More Help for Racist Blacks and Hispanics



Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

"Officials says there have been continued calls to review the department and accusations of discrimination, ineffectiveness, and corruption within the adoption and foster care removal and reunification process."

Calls from whom, and with what evidential basis? Such accusations are typically made by racist blacks and Hispanics, who have absolutely nothing to back them up. If there is racism within child welfare agencies, it is anti-white racism, but I guarantee you that that is not the sort of racism that "reporter" Ryan Newton was talking about.

New email to voice concerns about DCF discrimination
By Ryan Newton
January 13, 2016 at 12:22 p.m. CST

TOPEKA, Kansas - Rep. Jim Ward is announcing the roll out of a new email address to provide Kansans with an avenue to voice concerns regarding the Kansas Department of Children and Families.

Officials says there have been continued calls to review the department and accusations of discrimination, ineffectiveness, and corruption within the adoption and foster care removal and reunification process.

The intent of the new email is to allow for better understanding of DCF practices.

Individuals can voice concerns/personal experiences at Gov. Sam Brownback back in December stated that he supported the audit.

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