Friday, January 29, 2016

Have You Seen the Genocidal Movie, Birth of a Nation? No, Not that Birth of a Nation, this Birth of a Nation!





  1. Nate Turner stuff goes on in this country everyday and has been going on for decades actually. A major wish but a minor consideration for most blacks? Hard to say?

  2. The Cosmopolitans fully support the Blacks in this regard via their non-stop promotion of gun control. In Chicago,the places where you MOST need a concealed weapon, like rapid transit and public buildings, are covered with "No Beretta 92" decals to denote illegal carry of a self-defense weapon. States that allow felons to vote mean that criminals control the political lever - Chicago is the Number One exemplar.

  3. D.W. Griffith would not be pleased.

  4. Wow I'm literally in shock that people like whoever wrote this article on "birth of nation" and whoever embraces the thinking espoused in this article exist still in the modern world. The people who actually get offended and scared by the idea of a movie dealing with our unfortunate history as a nation in relation to slavery. What a sad life you guys must live, filled with fear and hate. And let's get something straight about Nat Turner.. Did he do some terrible things? Yes of course, his uprising was bloody and brutal. But did he do it out of maliciousness or without cause? Far from it! This was a man who literally had his life stolen from him. He was held against his will, denied freedom or opportunity, living a life only to labor, free of any pay, for his slave owner could collect untold profit. He eventually travelled the country with his "owner" and saw just how big and vicious the industry of slavery was in the American south. Seeing countless men whipped to their bones, children torn from their mothers, women raped at will. That does something to a person. The in humane institution of slavery ripped the humanity from him, which shouldn't shock us..

    Let me ask all of you this. Your telling me if you and your family were in a similar situation, held forcibly against your will, made to labor for free, give up yours and your children's life to help someone profit off your own work, whipped into submission, all of it, you wouldn't do the same thing? You wouldn't hate the people doing this to you? You wouldn't eventually have enough it and fight back, take a stand? Let's say in this hypothetical situation, tomorrow in a reversal of actual history, blacks forcibly come into your home and rip apart your family, sending each of you to work for a different black family, if you resist, your beaten into submission or killed. With the way many of you talk about African Americans who have done nothing to you, I have a very hard time believing if they were doing the same things to you that whites did to them until 1865 that you would just smile and bare it. No i think at least some of you would become a Nate Turner on steroids..

  5. Anon Coward Sunday, January 31, 2016 at 7:05:00 A.M. EST,

    I posted your comment, but it contains so many lies that I don't have time to deal with it now.
