Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Race War Porn: Morgan Harrington's Mother Does Racial Reconciliation Op with Mother of Her White Daughter’s Alleged Black Killer


Gil and Morgan Harrington

Daily Mail: “Understanding: Morgan Harrington's mother Gil shook hands with Debra Carr, the mother of her daughter's alleged killer Jesse Matthew” [N.S.: I can’t help noticing that though Morgan Harrington was wont to slather on makeup, she was at her prettiest wearing little or none.]

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU: “‘Liberal Society is a Factory for the Production of Dead Young White Women,’ and CBS’ 48 Hours is Doing Its Part to Keep Things that Way.”]

By David in TN
“Mother of murdered student Morgan Harrington consoles mom of her daughter's alleged killer Jesse Matthew and says she understands HIS family is suffering too.”

“Morgan Harrington's mom consoles mom of alleged killer Jesse Matthew
Gil Harrington approached Matthew's mother Debra Carr after a court appearance in Virginia, shaking her hand and saying she understood that her family was suffering too.”

This case moved our late friend Larry Auster to paraphrase Midge Decter:

“White Liberal Mothers, Dead White Liberal Daughters.”
N.S.: My response to David’s e-mail:


At the Daily Mail.


  1. The nigs have the deficient brains that have no remorse for their actions.Not only the killers, but the mothers and relatives as well--especially regarding the murder of white people.For the mother of the white girl to let the black mother off the hook is illogical and serves no purpose.Who raised the nig to do what he did? All the nig mother cares about is her son got caught, not that he murdered the white girl.The attempt of showing sympathy is ridiculous because it falls on deaf(and dumb) ears.It is normal to try and understand why someone would kill your daughter, possibly in Mrs Harringtons mind by getting to know who influenced him in his life to cause such inhuman behavior, but the mother is as culpable as the son...and any type of sympathy to her is lost in translation, I m sure.

  2. Oh, is this one of those white power web sites? Man, you guys need to get out more, like get a job where you have to work with everyday black people instead of obsessing on the bad ones.

    Well, I don't mean to bruise your fragile ego, but there was more than just the one guy involved in the Harrington killing, and the other ones I saw in the car with the body were white. One of them has a longer history of bad crimes than Jesse Matthew, another looked like a guy on the Megan's Law web site from a C-ville burb, and I may have seen another one of them later in a minivan from New York with a couple of people in it that make me wonder now if I was witnessing another abduction.

    There's a whole back story here that you're missing because the cops haven't shared it with the public so far, and I can share it but people don't pay much attention to comments, and the press doesn't pay much attention to stuff that the cops won't confirm or deny.

    This might be painful for you guys to realize, but you and everyone else could benefit from Jesse Matthew's help. He could wake up one morning and decide that it's time to turn in his nasty little friends. Or he could just leave them loose in the community, free to team up with another younger guy who's big enough to help abduct girls for them. You should try to reach out to him and get his help. Sure beats sitting around griping about people you don't know. If you were friends with more black people, maybe they'd help you convince him to do the right thing. Sounds like he's pretty messed up and latched onto people who nurtured his dark side. Someone needs to step in and give him something better to latch onto. He needs to realize that he was used like a door mat and that he'll feel much better about himself if he does the right thing.

  3. This negro is a serial killer. In all probability the nig's mother knew about it.

  4. If what you re saying is true...there were whites involved with blacks in this crime,I d believe it.The whites that hang around with the nigs lose their smarts and consciences just as prison guards do while associating with lowlifes day after day.White women lose their dignity being with black guys because they are HATED for being white.No upside whatsoever for whites to be in contact with blacks
    I ve worked with blacks (unfortunately), lived next to blacks (even more unfortunate, until I got them evicted..ha)and they are 80% worthless, filthy, untrustworthy, lazy and looking to rip both black and white off as much as possible.They cheat and lie and thpse are their good qualities.Maybe YOU shouldn t make excuses for other nigs...that s another piece of sh*t thing they do so well.

  5. Hey Anonymous - The anonymous afroracist that is. Where is your evidence Matthews had white collaborators? Please send it. I won't hold my breath.
    You really are a twisted piece of work, poor ole' Jesse was a messed up guy who got lured into rape and murder by "white men". Amazing blacks can't think of doing that stuff for themselves, they need whitey to lure them to the "dark side".
    No pal, blacks are plenty evil all by themselves, you're comment was just a big long excuse for a serial killing black man because you can't accept the fact that they exist - and there's more of them per capita than there are white ones.

    BTW If you want to address police/media coverups, then look into the other 1/2 dozen murders Matthews may be involved in. Note the media has completely ignored the serial killer angle on Matthews, if he were white they'd be trumpeting is on the front pages and flashing all the pictures of women he "might" have killed. That doesn't happen to black dudes. Look below, I actually send something to back it up.
    Jerry pdx
