Monday, September 21, 2015

Robbery and Murder 101: Campus and Surrounding Neighborhood at Wichita State University are so Violent and Racist that New Students Must be Trained in How to Stay Alive!

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

WSU student working on resolution to enhance safety in neighborhoods near campus
By Chris Arnold
September 20, 2015, 11:34 p.m.

WICHITA, Kansas – – Safety on and around the Wichita State campus has been the topic of discussion for much of the past month.

This coming after a string of robberies on campus and the murder of a WSU student at Fairmount Towers.

A campus safety walk at WSU Thursday night brought out more than 50 students, faculty, administrators and campus police was met with positive reviews as many concerns about lighting and safety were addressed.

WSU Student Government Association Vice President Khondoker Usama says it’s something he would like to also have regularly in the neighborhoods near campus.

“A lot of new student residents come into the neighborhoods and a lot of them don’t have a clue who to talk to or who to call during an emergency,” said Usama.

Usama has been working on a safety resolution since March.

The resolution would include initiating regular neighborhood safety walks every semester, in hopes of informing student residents of the safety procedures and resources available to them.

‘Like the law enforcement, the city of Wichita numbers, the campus police number and what are the emergency response procedures during those kind of incidents,” said Usama.

It’s a resolution that has the support of Democratic Senator Oletha Faust-Goudeau, who represents that district.

“I’m for anything that’s going to enhance the safety for the students, and not only the students for the residents around the Wichita State area,” said Faust-Goudeau.

Usama says with about a thousand students [sic] residents alone in the Fairmount neighborhood, it’s important to keep safety as the number one priority.

“It’s of high importance that we get to know them and we get to address their issues and concerns,” said Usama.

Usama says he plans to introduce the safety resolution to the WSU student senate next week, with the hope of getting it passed and implemented quickly.

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