Friday, September 25, 2015

Love and Necklacing in Pennsylvania: Black Girl, 16, Attempts to Murder Two School Security Guards, by Burning Them Alive


Imani Knight-Brantley

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

The moment I read Wilkinsburg, PA,” I recognized it as the site of a murderous black monster, though it turned out I got the monster wrong. I thought it was the Pennsylvania town where a black man had worked with a white man, and hunted him down and murdered him years later, claiming the victim had told a “racist joke,” though the perp couldn’t remember said jioke, probably because it existed only in his racial fairy tale.

Well, it turned out the actual Wilkinsburg monster was even worse. As one of my editors, the great Jared Taylor wrote nine years ago, in what would end up a chapter in his masterpiece, White Identity:
Although the common assumption about American race relations is that whites, not blacks, nurse racial hostilities that often erupt in violence, racially-motivated murder of whites by blacks is considerably more common. Murders like that of James Byrd, dragged to death by whites in 1998, are well reported, but racial murder by blacks is little publicized.

For example, in Wilkinsburg, near Philadelphia, 39-year-old Ronald Taylor killed three men and wounded two others in a 2000 rampage, in which he targeted only whites. At one point, he pushed a black woman out of his way, saying “Not you, sister,” and was heard to say, “I’m not going to hurt any black people. I’m just out to kill all white people.” At one point, he also aimed a gun at a white woman’s head, uttered what news reports called “a racial epithet,” and then said, “No, I think I’ll terrorize you for a while.” Fortunately, he did not shoot her.

Police found anti-white diatribes in his apartment, but were careful to play down any possible racial motive. As the town’s police chief explained, “There’s a lot of anger and hostility in this individual, so I think it’s a little premature to simply define this as a racist event.”

Based on its demographics, I can tell the reader that Ronald Taylor and Imani Knight-Brantley are just the tip of the iceberg in the diversitopia that is Wilkinsburg. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Wilkinsburg’s demographics are:

Black or African American alone, percent, 2010: 66.6%
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2010: 27.8%
Two or More Races, percent, 2010: 3.2%
Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2010 (b): 1.8%
Asian alone, percent, 2010 (a): 1.0%

Ian Barlow

"WOW the hatred is really flowing here. hope it makes you people feel better."

Why do you hate white people so much?

Matthew Cragg

On the chalkboard...

I will not try to set school guards on fire.
I will not try to set school guards on fire.
I will not try to set school guards on fire.
I will not try to set school guards on fire.

Jon Doe

Wilkinsburg. I have to go to work every day through this pit. This is the same town that in 2000 had a black man (Ronald Taylor) show up at the local McDonalds and tell a black woman.."excuse me maam, I'm here t kill these whitte people" and then proceed to shoot every white face he could. Murdering three people. And this isn't even one of the worst black neighborhoods. The hate that is passed down from geration to generation in these black communities is an epidemic. It is producing absolute monmsters that are out of control and of no use to society. The media is running out of ways to ignore this problem. But they keep tryin gas hard as they can to maintain this phony narrative ob white supremacy and black victimology.

Charles Valentin

"She later returned to get food at an after-school program..."

That would be free food paid for with the hard-earned tax dollars of the Producers, which is enabling the Looters and Parasites. School security denied this parasite her "entitled" free meal, and that was, apparently, worthy of death.
Jon Doe

This entire town consits of "businesses" that get all their money through redistibuted tax dollars. The main street is all boarded up shops for most of the way until you get to small area with a couple of check cahing shops, and a few restuaunts. There are less private owned shops every year. I see more an more boarded up houses all the time. I cal it mini Detroit.

Brian Mancinelli
So I'm guessing the "LOVE" tattoo on her neck is one of those ghetto things where it means the opposite? Bad means good, love means hate, etc?

Kenneth Crips
This has really got to piss off Pittsburgh Librtard goverment officals. The Police filed a report on what this African Princess did. In their mindset if there is no police report it never happened this is SOP with black violence in places like Pittsburgh, Detriot, DC, Chicago, it is not reported. The police know their bosses will back stab them if they do anything to enforce the law in this ultra racist thugacracy they will be backstabbed out of a job and prehaps into a show trial. You can see from the visable tatoo's this sweet thing is a gang banger. She knows she is virtually untouchable.

Trace Britt ·

Ah, another tramp-stamped product of obummer's hope 'n change in the black cummooonity.

So I guess the movement is now "black lives matter but security guards and law enforcement officers lives don't mean sh*t". Boy, that's gonna be clumsy to fit on a bumper sticker.

Charles Valentin

I knew before I read the story. We all knew.

Jim C. Fortner ·

Funny they never mentiont the race in the link title unless it is a white person

Cops: Girl, 16, Doused School Guards with Gasoline, then Tried to Set Them on Fire

September 23, 2015
The Smoking Gun

A Pennsylvania girl doused school security guards with gasoline and then attempted to light the victims on fire, according to investigators who have charged the teen with numerous felonies.

In retaliation for a run-in last week with a guard, Imani Knight-Brantley, 16, returned Monday to her Pittsburgh-area high school carrying a two-liter Sprite bottle containing gasoline.

[How could she be "retaliating"? No one done anything to her.]

According to police, Knight-Brantley was booted from Wilkinsburg High School Friday after being caught using a cell phone in class. She later returned to get food at an after-school program, but was again escorted from the building by guard Brandon Murray. As she was being removed the second time, Knight-Brantley threw a milk carton at Murray.

As detailed in a criminal complaint, Knight-Brantley confronted Murray upon returning to the school Monday. Police allege that she splashed gasoline on Murray and a second security official. As the guards grappled with Knight-Brantley, she tried to ignite the gasoline with an outdoor grill lighter.

After police arrived to arrest Knight-Brantley, students were evacuated due to the smell of gasoline throughout the school.

According to court records, Knight-Brantley faces four counts of aggravated assault and causing or risking catastrophe, both felonies. She is also charged with misdemeanor weapons possession and reckless endangerment counts.

[The Ag assault charges are a case of criminal justice affirmative action, which will lead to more AA down the road. This was a case of premeditated, attempted murder. On the other hand, there seem to be duplicative charges—criminal justice schizophrenia.]

Knight-Brantley, who has been charged as an adult, is being held in the Allegheny County jail in lieu of $100,000 bond.

As seen in the above booking photo, the teen has the word “Love” tattooed on her neck. Pennsylvania law bars anyone under the age of 18 from being tattooed, unless the minor’s parent or guardian has consented to the inking (and is present for the tattooing).

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