Saturday, September 19, 2015

Corrupt, Federal Judge Helps Illegal Get Out on Bail to Rape Little Girl, then Retaliates Against Federal Lawyer for Pointing It Out


“Attendees at [Los Angeles County Bar Foundation] Casino Night included (from left) Sally Suchil, LACBA Executive Director; Eric Webber, LACBA President; Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa; Judge Kim Wardlaw, U.S. Court of Appeals; Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck; Los Angeles Superior Court Presiding Judge Lee Smalley Edmon; Foundation President Susan Koehler Sullivan; and Foundation Executive Director Ivan Price.”

By Nicholas Stix



1 comment:

  1. The courts have become a cesspool of diversity with so-called judges "righting" the "wrongs inflicted on them" by Whites in the White society that has given them its all.
