Sunday, August 30, 2015

So What Else is New? Department: Lesbian Media Activist Sally Kohn Lies About Typical Responses to Interracial Murder



  1. There isn't any race of people that have beat, robbed, raped, and murdered more Whites than the blacks. Where does a person walk down the street and get knocked unconscious because of his race? Where does a women get raped because of her race? Where does a person get robbed because of his race? Where do people get massacred because of their race? Right here in the so called United States, that's where. The federal government is now assisting blacks in their massacre of Whites as are the courts. Schools teach students to hate Whites, even teaching that to White students. State governments and city governments all over this land are assisting blacks in their rampages. The media covers up for blacks and downplays the black murderous nature. It is a war but carried out by blacks with many black organizations calling for the murder of Whites while those governments and law enforcement look the other way. Now law enforcement is being attacked by these same people. So how did that work out for them. We White civilians have been bearing this murderous rampage for decades now, and those Whites yet untouched by the murderous blacks like the two car snipers that killed many Whites will eventually feel the kill of the black. It all just ahead.

  2. Liberalism is an almost perfect inversion of reality. And liberals are as fanatic as any jihadist or evangelical or ultra-orthodox or monk. Reality never sways their position. It is terrifying really for anyone who bases their worldview on reason. If they can completely ignore reality, they can support ideas like "post birth abortion" just like the jihadist supports suicide bombing.

    If only we could convince all (ALL) the world's fanatics to go marching off cliffs together...
