Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Wichita: Reason 4,743 Why Cabbies of All Colors Typically Refuse to Pick Up Young Black Men

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Teenage suspect points gun at Wichita cabbie, skips out on fare
By Gordon Bassham
August 8, 2015

WICHITA, Kan. – A Wichita cab driver got more than she expected when she picked up a fare Friday afternoon.

Wichita Police report officers were called to a disturbance in the 2200 block of N. Estelle at about 4 p.m. where they found a 42-year-old female cab driver who said she had picked up a 16-year-old female and a 17-year-old male in west Wichita and had driven them to the address on N. Estelle.

Sergeant Roger Runft says the cabbie told police when they arrived at the couple’s destination, the male passenger pulled out a handgun, pointed it at her, told her to open the door and neither she nor the female passenger would get hurt. The driver said the male then ran away.

[Why would he hurt the female passenger? That’s ridiculous. What, does he have an IQ of 50?]

When officers arrived on the scene they said the female passenger gave them information about the suspect who was a friend. [Not anymore, he ain’t!] Based on that information, officers were able to locate the suspect at his home a couple of blocks away and took him into custody. He was booked into the Sedgwick County jail on aggravated assault charges.

Police say the suspect apparently just wanted to skip out on paying the cab fare.


  1. If he wanted to skip out on the fare why not just take off? Why pull a gun? Did he honestly think two females were going to run him down? Something doesn't make sense with this or the guy was a complete idiot. Jerry pdx

  2. Just saw one on my local news in GR a video of an Omaha church where two nigs sneak up on an old white lady and land two haymakers to the back of her head knocking her down and robbing her.The usual behavior we re all accustomed to.

  3. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    Cops like to say that criminals are stupid. I'm not so sure that's always true (one of the guys in that possible escape from Alcatraz had a tested IQ of 135, which is about average for M.D.s). I think what they really mean is that black criminals are stupid, but they know The Ministry of Truth would come down on them with both boots if they said it.
