Thursday, August 13, 2015

Breaking News Alert! Youtube’s Censors Have Just Terminated Colin Flaherty, the Unparallelled Chronicler of Racist Black Mob Violence!

By Nicholas Stix

The censors called him a “bully” for exposing black racist bullies brutalizing white children! Check out their Orwellian explanation:

“This video has been removed as a violation of Youtube’s policy prohibiting content designed to harass, bully or threaten.”

Colin Flaherty’s silenced Youtube home page:

“! This account has been terminated due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines and/or claims of copyright infringement.”


  1. Youtube and Google are run by idiots.

  2. It figures. It's getting harder to censor the truth these days but they're still plugging away trying to scrub realty.

  3. You can t even say "ghetto" on gets deleted.I got banned from their blog site but got a new email address and was good to go again.Meanwhile the blacks on there blame whitey and get no reprisals.How do you fight a double standard on censorship?

  4. The government doesn't need to censor opponents when it has an established state religion that controls most cultural institutions. These institutions can punish heretics on their own.

    Progressivism is a religion whose adherents control academia, the media, and most of the government.

  5. Every word he uttered or displayed was the truth. Black lives may matter but the truth is too often irrelevant....

  6. Censorship doesn't work. Google/YouTube may think they are suppressing objectionable information, but they aren't. It will just find a new home and will get even greater viewership because it is now censored content.

  7. Bank of America, in addition to banning Youtube for alleged "bandwidth" issues, bans employees from viewing New York Times videos because they might be racist, for YOUR protection! If you think that's funny, BOA also has banned employees from accessing the website because it is a hate site that advocates violence. All faithfreedom does is takes on the Islamic religion. I guess that opposition => VIOLENCE to an Islamic. They also blocked a pro-gun advocacy website in CO when they were opposing the large magazine capacity ban.

    BOA blocks almost all firearm site for YOUR protection. If you are in the firearms business, why on earth would you do business with BOA?

    The way to fight PC in the financial industry is hardball. Any company doing business with BOA, et al., should ask and have demonstrated to them that their website can be accessed on BOA's network. If not, immediately cease business with them!
