Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Why Do St. Louis’ Black Leaders Demand a Simultaneous War on Crime, and War on the War on Crime?

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

The blogger Countenance is one of America’s most brilliant political analysts. I believe that his name derives from “county,” as in St. Louis County, Missouri, where he lives, and which he examines with a microscope.

If America still had the “diversity” it once gloried in, Countenance’s focus on local matters would limit its interest to readers from, or studying the region. However, under the regime of Jim Snow, St. Louis County is everywhere. Note, too, that the Mike Brown Hoax was started in Countenance’s backyard, he drives through Ferguson all the time, and knows all the players and institutions there.

See also, by the same writer: “More, More, More.”

That Word Again
July 21, 2015

Chocolate City St. Louis
The City of St. Louis is awash in two things: One, violent crime. Two, comprehensive plans to combat violent crime.

The latest to put his two cents into the hat is Alderman Antonio French, someone I’ve known of since he ran a blog called Pub Def and before that he boasted about managing the winning campaign of the only Democrat running in a yellow dog State Senate district.

Don’t bother reading it if you don’t have the time, because there’s nothing in here that hasn’t been tried before. The difference is in that this comprehensive plan, that which has been tried before is thrown together in a contradictory and bizarre fashion. For instance, we see the proposal to flood Bell Curve City with lots and lots and lots of cops, but then a proposal to make the recently enacted civilian review board even more brutal. Why bother with all the cops if the civilian review board full of black reverends and radical black activists are going to prevent the cops from doing their jobs? And remember, this is Antonio French, who along with Deray McKesson, were the two big newly minted social media stars out of the Fergaza Strip riots and hoopla last year. How can you want more cops in the ghetto then turn right around and scream that every white cop is a rabid mouth foaming Darren Wilson who wants to mow down black babies’ bodies just for the hell of it? Remember, #BlackLivesMatter.

And far from “Admitting the Problem,” this doesn’t admit the problem, because it doesn’t name the ook and provide helpful links to HBD material.

To French’s credit, I’m glad to see that someone else other than your ever-lovin’ blogmeister is using the phrase “whack-a-mole” to refer to that PR stunt called hot spot policing.

N.S.: It’s not about crime-fighting—with blacks, it never is—but about new opportunities for graft. Of course, with blacks, that’s what every public program is about. More cops = More graft for racist black malingerers and supporters of black criminals. Stronger, more aggressive community control of the police = More graft for racist black malingerers and supporters of black criminals.

Note that “hot spot policing” was supposedly one of the innovations of New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton, back when he was leading the war on crime, and before he crossed over to leading the war on the war on crime.

1 comment:

  1. Before I started this blog, people noticed something I didn't notice about myself, that I used the word "countenance" quite a bit. Even after I was made aware of that propensity of mine, I didn't stop. So when I started a blog, coming up on 12 years ago, naming it was the easy part.

    One thing I pride myself on is that I can get just as worked up about what's happening on the other side of the street as I can the other side of the world, or last week, the other side of the solar system. Tip O'Neill said it, so I don't need to repeat it, except to add that international affairs are little more than the sum total of what's happening on the other sides of streets. It's just that the news sorta ebbs and flows, and I'm at the mercy of what happens such that my focus at any one time is local affairs or national-international affairs; as I write this, as you can see, local is hot. Who knows, by the time fall comes the weather cools down and the ooks around here get less ookey, the Wall Street Bubble will finally pop and my focus will be national. Or maybe the coming depression and the cutting off of the EBT cards will keep the ooks ookey, and I'll have to devote equal attention to both local and national.

    I haven't driven through the Fergaza Strip part of Ferguson since August 9, and I'm making it my business not to do so for the foreseeable future.
