Saturday, June 27, 2015

Shameless, Racial Supremacist, Kansas State Representative Dodges a Bullet, Refuses to Apologize


A portrait of hate: Rep. Valdenia Winn on June 24

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

When whites make innocuous remarks having nothing to do with race, blacks demand that they apologize and grovel, and the whites always do! Meanwhile, blacks constantly make racist statements, and refuse to apologize for them. That’s life under Jim Snow.

The funny thing with the black supremacist in question, Rep. Valdenia Winn, is that she hates her own people. She is helping illegal aliens to get in-state tuition, which will help them against black citizens. People like her hate whites more than they love blacks.

Kansas House dismisses complaint against fellow lawmaker
By The Associated Press
June 26, 2015, 10:39 p.m.
Updated: June 26, 2015, 10:40 p.m.
KSN (Wichita)

TOPEKA, Kan. – A Kansas legislative panel has unanimously dismissed a complaint against a House member who used the words “racist bigots” to describe supporters of a bill denying in-state tuition to people who entered the U.S. illegally.

Republican Rep. Mark Kahrs made the motion Friday to dismiss, saying he thought Rep. Valdenia Winn’s comments at a March 19 House Education Committee meeting were slanderous but protected by the First Amendment.

Winn called the bill “an example of institutional racism” and apologized to students and parents whose lives “are being hijacked by the racist bigots who support this bill.”

Nine members of the committee signed the complaint against her.

Kahrs called Winn’s statements an unfair, irresponsible attack on fellow committee members and suggested that she apologize.

Winn said after the hearing she doesn’t intend to do that.

1 comment:

  1. Hate Crime alert:
