Sunday, April 26, 2015

In Baltimore, More Hate Crimes the MSM and Police Ignore (Photo)

1 comment:

  1. Yup, the good ole' lamestream media and it's racial games. Ben Affleck is getting massive headlines for wanting to censor out the fact he had an ancestor that owned slaves. Somehow this is being spun into Mr. Affleck being racist in some way. Ridiculous but the gullible American public buys it, most Americans anyways. He could be accused of cowardice though, I wouldn't argue with that.
    I'm don't feel to sorry for Mr. Affleck though, I kind of enjoy seeing the white Hollywood liberal types get stung by the reverse racism they typically support.
    And yes, while the headlines focus on Mr. Affleck and his "racism" it doesn't matter how many violent blacks, assault, murder and rape whites, they don't merit the same headlines.
