Monday, April 27, 2015

Baltimore: Mayor Stephanie Rawling-Blake’s Assassin Squads are Not Targeting Policemen, They are Targeting White Policemen (Photo of Unconscious, White Cop)


  1. Please keep reporting whats really happening.This could happen anywhere there s a substantial black population.Most of the rioters have criminal records and shouldn t be free in the first place.More jails and more blacks in jail is the cure.I d pay more tax, if needed, to build these prisons.Parole and probation are NOT the answer.

  2. Blacks, no matter what position that affirmative action, courts, quotas, or black voters have given them, blacks hate Whites and they hate White society, and when they are given the means they will destroy both, if and when you let them.

  3. Integration is a complete failure.Everyone was happier in their own ethnic neighborhoods...Now the black guys try to get with stupid white women and destroy them with drugs and welfare kids and laugh about it.Absolutely no redeeming qualities for most(90%) of them.The rioting they did was probably the most energy these blacks have exerted in a long time because most I see stay seated in their easy chairs in the front yard or porch.Did you see them being interviewed on television? A white 5 year old can talk better than that.Most cannot have their situation improved because THEY are unsalvagable.Put as many in prison as you can and go from there.
