Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pro-Violence Activists Seek to Disarm NYPD; Enforce Black and Hispanic Free-Fire/No-Go Zones; and Impose the Rule of Crime


“A movement in New York City to disarm police has been growing”

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I thank the reader who sent me this article, remarking,
Let's hope this campaign is successful.

Then black-on-crime crime and Hispanic-on-Hispanic crime will erupt.


“Disarm NYPD” movement grows in New York
“Police have proven that they're not responsible enough to carry arms”
Published 4 hours ago
by Cheryl Chumley

An activist group calling itself “Disarm NYPD” is seeking to strip officers of their firearms and boot them from select neighborhood streets, all in the name of keeping city citizens safe.

[Translation from the Orwellian: They want to keep criminals safe. No decent person wants cops blocked from their neighborhood.]

A Twitter message from Occupy Buffalo gives a quick summary of the group’s mission: “‘Disarm NYPD’ is a new collective seeking to immediately stop the New York Police Department from killing anyone,” Twitchy found.

The activists have teamed up with another group, Copwatch, that seeks to create “no-cop zones” and to hold police accountable via aggressive filming of their activities, the nonprofit Waging Nonviolence reported.

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