Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Poor (Code for Black and Hispanic) People’s Biggest Problem is that They Live Surrounded by Other Blacks and Hispanics, er, Poor People

By Anonymous American

I used to live in Austin, Texas. I am also a native of Washington, D.C.

A few questions come to mind.

In what part of the D.C. metro area does the writer reside? Is it in a "vibrant" area like Adams-Morgan? Or a "gritty" area like Langley Park? Her home address will speak volumes about her biases.

As for Austin, it is now Silicon Valley South. Folks from the right-hand of the Bell Curve have moved there in droves over the last 30 years. These folks will self-segregate, that is, live around those with like interests. This means living to the west of Interstate 35, the DMZ that bisects Austin. Austin is no longer affordable for the working class, much less the middle class. I know this as I used to live there, and my nephew and his wife and family currently reside there. My nephew told me last Independence Day that homes starting at $350,000 are now being built on the grounds of the old Robert Mueller municipal airport in East Austin, the historically black area of town. Homes at this price are not affordable for even middle-income folks.

Had she read The Bell Curve, and not just the "racist" chapter, she would have known this already.

The U.S., like other advanced countries, is increasingly stratified by income and education.

“The Wealthy are Walling Themselves Off in Cities Increasingly Segregated by Class” (Washington Post).

N.S.: The theoretical solution is universal Section 8, so that the "poor" can move into "rich" (white) neighborhoods. But that doesn't even work in theory, because there are too many "poor" and too few "rich," and people like this Badger woman want to keep flooding the country with more "poor."

And in practice, petit bourgeois lefties like Badger have no intention of living in squalor and violence, and being perpetually robbed, raped, and maimed. She wishes that fate on "rich Republicans."

1 comment:

  1. I can second Anonymous' comments about the cost of living in Austin, Texas.

    My wife and I live in what was once a middle class neighborhood in central Austin. Much of the Crestview neighborhood was built in the 1950s. Almost all the original homes are small and are single-storied.

    Sadly, the neighborhood is changing. Often when a house is sold, it's torn down so that a far more expensive new home can be built on the same lot. It's also becoming more common for multiple dwellings to be built on lots where one house once stood; many of the new homes are two-storied.

    The bad news is, our property taxes are becoming unaffordable. My wife and I still love our home, but perhaps the writing is on the wall. The good news is, we'll make a killing if we sell. And even if we did that, we probably wouldn't be able to afford to be homeowners in Austin again.
