Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Economist Martin Armstrong Warns That the Twin Attacks in France Will be Used by World Leaders to Push for Restrictions on Internet Privacy and the Total Elimination of Encrypted Communications (Hacker and Phishing Heaven!)


Don't sneer.

Cyrus Vance, Jr., District Attorney for Manhattan, has criticised Apple and Google for preventing police access to user data with improved data encryption technology on smartphones, tablets, and other devices, Bloomberg reports. (Business Insider on Vance.)

He exploits FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) to make his false argument. That is, he mentions "crimes against children" as a ruse to permit the government free access always and everywhere to private communications.

Bloomberg writes that he warned attendees that if smartphone manufacturers make it impossible for law enforcement to retrieve smartphone data, that could stop police solving murders or crimes against children. "They’ve eliminated accessibility in order to market the product," Vance said. "Now that means we have to figure out how to solve a problem that we didn’t create.”

Strange, but Vance says nothing about NSA "analysts" sharing "selfies" of young women that they've spied upon. (Snowden says analysts swapping sexts at NSA seen as a fringe benefit.)

How many of these women taking selfies are under the age of 18?

Millions from around the world.

1 comment:

  1. David Cameron has already announced his intention to push for a ban on Whatsapp and Snapchat, which enable encrypted messaging.
