Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Why Black-on-White Crime is Getting More Intense, Including a Packet of Big Lies from Black Supremacist Actor Wendell Pierce, from The Wire (Colin Flaherty Video)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Published on September 26, 2014 by Colin Flaherty.

Why black on white crime is getting more intense. Seems white people deserve it.


  1. As much as Mr. I appreciate Mr.Flaherty's work, to hear his whiny voice and supplicant manner introducing the video, and then to hear an arrogant Black man lecturing his audience (unfortunately, a well-spoken man as well, even if he's spouting gibberish), is to realize it's all over. White people need to become tough, arrogant, confident and well-spoken once more if they hope to survive the coming conflicts. (Admittedly, rather difficult when one is living under a police state where you can you lose your job, if not your life, for taking a stand!)

  2. If they keep showing TV commercials of
    blacks being superior to whites or more likely the white guy being a total dimwit (don t touch my dart Jake)...State Farm (dumb white woman saying "two people ahead of us Jimmy")...and too many more to mention.The obvious question is why? Why not have two whites OR two blacks, but it s always the idiot white guy.Blacks look at this and think"Those white people are pretty damn dumb...If I rob and kill loss"..but in REAL life the blacks are the idiots...the filthy, the criminally inclined.So why are these commercials being made? For whose benefit?
