Sunday, December 21, 2014

NYPD: Cop-Killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley was a Member of Racial Supremacist Prison Gang, the Black Guerrilla Family


Officers Rafael Ramos, left, and Wenjian (Wen Jian?) Liu and were assassinated by racist black thug Ismaaiyl Brinsley on Saturday, just before 3 p.m., as they sat in their Critical Response Vehicle, eating lunch. They never saw it coming.

"Ismaaiyl Brinsley, the assassin who executed two cops in Brooklyn on Saturday, is believed to be a member of a notorious prison gang called the Black Guerrilla Family."

Police believe New York City cop killer was a member of the Black Guerrilla Family: sources
Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, shot two cops dead as they sat in a patrol car in Bedford-Stuyvesant to avenge the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. He also shot his former girlfriend at her home in the Baltimore area on Saturday morning, police said. Law enforcement sources said the NYPD has dispatched investigators to Baltimore to probe Brinsley's past and suspected involvement with the Black Guerrilla Family prison gang.
By Tina Moore , Bill Hutchinson
Saturday, December 20, 2014, 7:11 P.M.
New York Daily News

The cold-blooded cop-hater who gunned down two police officers in Brooklyn on Saturday is suspected of being a member of a notorious prison gang that has declared open season on the NYPD.

Detectives were headed to Baltimore on Saturday night to probe Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s ties to the Black Guerrilla Family, sources told the Daily News.

One source said Baltimore police were already investigating Brinsley’s connection to the gang, which started in California’s San Quentin Prison in the 1960s by Black Panther member George Jackson.

“BGF has been talking about getting back at cops for Eric Garner and Ferguson,” a source told The News, citing intelligence intercepted in Baltimore area prisons.

Brinsley boasted on social media about wanting to kill cops hours before ambushing two police officers on Saturday afternoon as they sat in their patrol car outside the Tompkins Houses in Bedford-Stuyvesant.

“I’m putting wings on pigs today,” he posted on Instagram, referencing the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., and Eric Garner in Staten Island.

A letter that was sent within [?] the NYPD earlier this month warned cops to be on high alert due to intelligence that suggested the Black Guerrilla Family was out to kill a cop following the Eric Garner grand jury decision.

"Brinsley is taken from the scene in a stretcher after he fatally shot himself in the Myrtle-Willoughby subway station." Debbie Egan-Chin

An image Ismaaiyl Brinsley put on his Instagram page hours before the two cops were slain.

"Police flooded the shooting scene." Theodore Parisienne/for New York Daily News

At a press conference on Saturday night, Mayor de Blasio called Brinsley "this horrible assassin."

Brinsley, 28, also shot his former girlfriend in her home outside of Baltimore about 5:45 a.m. before traveling to New York, NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said. He took his life by shooting himself in the head inside a subway station near the Tompkins Houses after ambushing the two cops.

The stunning events in New York came just days after Black Guerrilla Family members began spreading the word that they were “preparing to shoot on-duty police officers.”

As the Daily News reported on Dec. 6, an undercover NYPD cop learned of a Black Guerrilla Family plot to kill NYPD officers on Dec. 5 — three days after a Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo in Garner’s chokehold death in July. At least ten BGF members were “preparing to shoot on duty police officers,” Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins said at the time.

The threat prompted police union leaders to advise NYPD officers to take extra precautions, including carrying additional ammunition and wearing bullet-proof vests at all times.

Authorities cracked down at the Baltimore City Detention Center due to the influence that the Black Guerilla Family was wielding inside the lockup. The Washington Post/The Washington Post/Getty Images

But the NYPD investigated the intelligence and later deemed, as The News reported on Dec. 7, that there was no "credible threat" posed by the BGF. “We are aware of the reports of this anonymous general threat against police. However, at this time there is no information to indicate that this is a credible threat against the NYPD,” an NYPD spokesman said at the time.

There also was another reported threat. On Nov. 25, the NYPD spokesman said then, a police department outside of New York received a threat through an anonymous 911 call. The call, which was made to the Baltimore police department, threatened violent retribution against “cops” but did not name a specific department, according to a police source.

Investigative work on that call led NYPD investigators to conclude that the November threat was not real, the NYPD spokesman said, but the department would continue to monitor developments.

Bratton said at the press conference Saturday night that after Brinsley shot his former flame, her family notified Baltimore authorities that he was posting threats on Instagram. The authorities there sent a warning to the NYPD by fax, but it was not received until right about the time that Brinsely struck in Bed-Stuy, Bratton said.

Last year Baltimore law enforcement officials cracked down on the BGF’s stranglehold on the Baltimore City Detention Center because the gang was extorting people, intimidating witnesses and dealing drugs with help from correction officers. An investigation led to the arrest of two inmates and five corrections officers on charges of extortion, witness intimidation and drug dealing in the city jail.

With Barry Paddock

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