Wednesday, December 17, 2014

National MSM Ignore Racist, Execution Murder by Blacks of White Policeman Kevin Quick


War crime victim, Officer Kevin Quick. Lest we forget.

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Where is the outrage over the kidnap, murder of Officer Quick?
Updated: 11/28/2014 08:20:29 AM EST
The Lowell Sun

Earlier this year in Virginia, Waynesboro police officer Kevin Quick was kidnapped and murdered by four black gang members with affiliation to a national gang from Los Angeles. Quick was driven from ATM to ATM where he was made to withdraw money, then driven into the woods where he was executed as a way for the murderers to move up in the gang.

Nowhere in the national media was this murder of a police officer put to paper. But when a white police officer shot a black man named Michael Brown in Missouri, it made the national news for months. What hypocrites the media has become. Where is the outrage for Quick? Where are the beserk protesters burning and looting in the name of officer Quick?

Where is Eric Holder in his indignant huff? I'll tell you where he is -- he's sitting on his hands, choosing not to speak up about the tragic death of the officer and the cold-calculating killers. Could the fact that they are black play any part in Holder's decision?

We all know Holder is not a racist. Just listen to him speak. Even Barack Obama couldn't stand up and say it could have been him this time. He would never be a cop; however, he would be an enabler for the criminal element.

Where is the white outrage? Where is the hatemonger Al Sharpton?

What if white supremacists, Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan showed up in Virginia and began to riot like the socialist and communist thugs in Ferguson and St. Louis? Would they say the police overacted when they dragged those white thugs away? I don't think so.
But I guess it is OK to kill a police officer, especially a white one.
If the mainstream media had any courage, they'd put Quick's story out for consumption right next to the skewed story of the black teen from Ferguson.
But in the eyes of the liberal media elite, when you control the press, you control the message. Quick didn't deserve what happened to him any more than Brown did, but I don't hear any wailing for the cop. What a sick country we've become.
Gerry Ward

Mhmjjj2012 • 13 days ago

Until I read this letter to the editor, I didn't know about Officer Kevin Quick's abduction and murder. That murder is shocking and I do try to keep informed so why do I know Kim Kardashian appeared nude in a magazine but nothing about what happened to Kevin Quick? I've never read one article on Kim Kardashian or Miley Cyrus but I know all about their latest nonsense because I glance at internet headlines and channel surf. Why hasn't this horrific murder received national press? Is it because there are no photos or video of his body laying in the middle of the street because his murderers left his body in the woods? Or is it because Quick was a 25 year volunteer police officer instead of paid law enforcement? What about the ATM angle? Not too long ago, a young woman in Massachusetts was abducted from her home and brought to numerous ATMs before she was murdered, so why haven't safeguards been required on ATMs to help customers in distress?

Justin to Mhmjjj2012 • 13 days ago

I think it has a lot to do with those directing the media who lose sight of what's important for us to be made aware of. The entertainment industry is alive as it is because the people working on its behalf are more motivated. Maybe our news reporters and editors are sickened by the 'news blues' so much so that their disgust keeps them from realizing what we need to know about, or what they think should be interesting to us, too? Let us decide.

Mhmjjj2012 to Justin • 13 days ago

No question that's part of the problem but it used to be if someone wanted details of a celebrity's life then they'd have to buy a magazine or tune in to the late night talk shows. Now, there are entertainment/news and reality shows and of course the internet. Honestly, I feel like I've lost IQ points thanks to all this foolishness. Officer Kevin Quick's kidnapping and murder deserved more attention than it received. Shame on the media for failing to provide that attention.

1 comment:

  1. Right, the man was not murdered but kidnapped as well. That is an aggravating offense. I guess this occurred in Maryland. Does MD have the death penalty or are they civilized?
