Monday, December 08, 2014

Massachusetts: Welfare Heaven for Illegal Aliens


“EXECUTIVE ACTION: Migrants [sic] ride the rails north.”

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

One thing Howie Carr neglected to point out is that federal law forbids aliens, legal or illegal, from receiving any social welfare programs. U.S. immigratioon law forbids anyone from coming here to be "a public charge." As Carr points out, we know they do it, but it's still illegal.

Carr: State Babel-ing on about welfare
By Howie Carr
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Boston Herald

Do you believe that 80 percent of welfare recipients in Massachusetts speak English as their native language?

No? Me neither, but that’s what the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) claims in their “Language Access Plan.”

The DTA actually seems proud of its record of promoting welfare dependence. Its Web page boasts that “one in every eight residents of Massachusetts” — 884,000 people — are on the dole. What an accomplishment!

Anyway, this DTA document is almost two years old now. It’s supposed to be updated next month. Given the hordes of illegals that have swarmed into the U.S. under President Obama, do you think the number of non-English speakers on welfare is going to show an increase or a decrease?

And please, don’t tell me illegals can’t get on the dole. Before her death, by her own admission, Auntie Zeituni ended that myth once and for all.

These DTA statistics seem worth mentioning in the current turmoil over Obama’s amnesty plan that would make millions more illegals eligible to leech off the taxpayers in one way or another.

Let’s go to the numbers for “Language Makeup of DTA Client Population as of December 2012.” English speakers on welfare, 713,000. In second place are Spanish speakers — 116,000, or 13 percent of the non-working classes.

Next, Chinese (8,400), then Portuguese speakers, which includes Brazilians and Cape Verdeans (8,100), Vietnamese (7,400), Russian (6,500), Haitian Creole (6,100) Cambodian (3,900), Arabic (3,400), and Somali (1,300).

And don’t forget “others.” They checked in at 7,200. This presumably includes the likes of Nicolas Guaman, the illegal from Ecuador who was convicted of killing an American citizen while driving drunk in Milford. His public defender claimed Guaman didn’t speak Spanish and demanded an interpreter in a South American dialect called Quechua.

In case you were wondering, last year 227 native Italian speakers were on the dole in Massachusetts, along with 257 Greeks and 324 Poles. Five Slovenes are collecting, and 47 Serbs.

Granted, some of these people are naturalized citizens. But why would any sane government admit to the country, let alone naturalize, people who can’t support themselves? Does this make any sense unless your goal is to increase poverty and dependence and reinforce the underclass that overwhelmingly supports Democratic politicians and ever more handouts?

By the way, check out those Haitian Creole numbers. In October Obama unilaterally authorized 100,000 more Haitians to enter the country next year. Do you suppose the numbers of Haitian Creole speakers on welfare in Massachusetts is going to go up or down in the coming months?

Not that the DTA cares. Back to the Language Access Plan:

“DTA’s mission is to assist low-income individuals and families to meet their basic needs, increase their incomes, and improve their quality of life.”

How about the quality of life for the people who actually pay the bills?

“Given the critical nature of its services, DTA provides in-person or telephone interpretation services to all those who need it, whatever language they speak, to ensure that clients get the benefits for which they are eligible.”

Eligible? Remember how 10 percent of the first-class letters to “clients” in 2012 urging them to register to vote came back as undeliverable? Do you think there’s any fraud going on here?

Of course not. Any reports of handout abuse are just “anecdotes,” sniffed Gov. Deval Patrick, a former welfare recipient himself.
Besides, as Marsha Coakley so famously said, “Technically, it is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts.”

Even the Tsarnaev-coddling DTA seems to understand what sort of society this is all leading to. There’s a card included in all DTA mailings. The notice begins, “Important! The letter in this envelope has information about your benefits. Please read it or have someone translate it for you.”

The notice is in 20 different languages.

The DTA calls this the “Babel” card. As in Tower of Babel. For once, the DTA is onto something. The only problem is, they think turning the U.S. into the Tower of Babel is a wonderful idea.

Listen to Howie every weekday from 3 to 7 p.m. on WMEX AM 1510.

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