Saturday, December 06, 2014

It’s the Demographics, Stupid! Sweden: Travels and Travails


What attracts Moslem men to Scandinavia: A beautiful, potential rape victim in Stockholm, Sweden

By Prince George’s County Expat

Re: “Sweden is Having Second Thoughts about Admitting Unlimited Syrian Refugees.” (VDARE

I've been to Sweden. It was when I was a student in Rome, in the fall of 1978. I and a few classmates spent the week of our autumn break in Scandinavia.

We first traveled by train to Oslo. We then took the overnight train from Oslo to Bergen on Norway's west coast. Then we doubled back to Oslo and went on via train to Stockholm. From Stockholm we traveled to Helsinki via a ro-ro ferry.


Bergen, Norway

I found Bergen to be stunningly picturesque. Gorgeous, actually, as we came in at night.

Bergen at night

The train from Oslo had to cross over a low mountain range in order to reach Bergen, its final destination. Once over the range the lights of Bergen popped into view. Then as the train snaked down the mountain I could see Bergen proper spread amongst a fjord. The sea surrounding the town was lit by Bergen's lights and its own luminescence.

Downtown Oslo

Oslo was clean, safe, orderly, and tidy.

Stockholm's Old Town in the early evening

Ditto Stockholm.

Aleksanterinkatu in Helsinki, in the summer

Likewise Helsinki.

Now places in Sweden are no-go zones for the police.

What changed since my visit?



Sweden's demographics.

Immigrant riots in Stockholm


  1. Norway too. In Oslo all forcible rape in one year 100 % attributed to "immigrants". The police in Norway differentiate between forcible rape and date rape type of sexual assault. The former seems to be solely the activity of the dark skinned Muslim raping the locals.

  2. And this is how it is with the Muslim only a very small segment of the total populace. What will it be when they are a larger percentage of the whole? Far worse you have to assume.

    The chickens are coming home to roost.

  3. I can remember hearing older folks say about the racial situation in the U.S.: "if it gets bad enough here [America] we may have to move back to the old country". Guess again.

  4. I work with a coworker whose is Norwegian-American (both her parents are Norwegian.) Being really liberal and being scornful of the United States, she isn't exactly the best goodwill ambassador that Norway could wish for, to put it mildly. In spite of that, she has never really told us why she chooses to live in the U.S. instead of Norway. Perhaps in spite of her liberal/socialist/pro-Norway/anti-American bravado, she knows that Norway isn't such a paradise after all.

    Norway does look beautiful, that much I'll concede.
