Thursday, December 18, 2014

Eli Wiesel was (Allegedly) a Member of the Irgun; Hooray!



By Nicholas Stix

At the Unz Review, a John Taylor (there’s more than one writer by that name) seems to think he’s nailed Eli Wiesel, and by extension, all Zionists (read: Jews).

His Holocaust-denier fans cheer him on.

John Taylor:

“Yet Wiesel, the putative guardian of the weak and the innocent, is in conflict with Wiesel, the Zionist and shameless apologist for Israel’s on going ethnic cleansing campaign and serial butchery in Lebanon and Gaza. ‘I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides.’ In the Middle East Wiesel has made his choice and it is to champion the powerful against their victims and to defend the occupier against the dispossessed.
“In his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech Wiesel claimed to be sensitive to the plight of the Palestinians ‘but whose methods I deplore when they lead to violence. Violence is not the answer. Terrorism is the most dangerous of answers.’ Wiesel denounced Palestinian terrorism but conveniently ignored his own membership in a Jewish terrorist group, the Irgun, which he joined in Paris in 1947 as a translator, journalist and propagandist.”

I responded:

I never liked Wiesel, thinking him nothing but a pompous ass. You make him sound a lot better.

Jew-haters always bring up the King David Hotel, and make it sound like it was an attack on a civilian site. The King David was then a British Army military location.

I can’t respond to all your charges against the Irgun, but if they drove the Arabs (the term “Palestinians” had yet to be invented) out of Israel, I say, more power to them!

If only the American government dealt with the Mexicans and Central Americans the same way.

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