Friday, December 05, 2014

Detroit: Raceless, Faceless Men, Carl Bruner and Michael Lawson, Convicted of Murdering Marcel Jackson, About Whom WEJB/NSU Alone Reported, was Nominal Boss of Nation of Islam-Front Security Company, and Prominent Member of Second NOI Front, Detroit 300; Detroit News Cover-Up Continues


Murder victim Marcel Jackson, 39, of the NOI front, Detroit 300; can any readers identify the star on his lapel?

(The Detroit media have refused to publish photographs of Brother Marcel Jackson’s killers.)

By Nicholas Stix

I thank reader-researcher, Prince George’s County Expat, for this story.

I previously reported on this case on June 21 and June 22, 2012.

On June 21, 2012, in “Marcel Jackson, Co-Founder of Detroit 300, and Owner of X-Men Security, Fronts for the Nation of Islam Murder Cult, is Murdered While Trying to Keep the Peace at Detroit Nightclub; Detroit News ‘Reporters’ Cover Up NOI Connection,” I exposed the ruse perpetrated by the murderous NOI, and furthered by the Detroit News, which I suspect of having NOI members on its payroll. (Its staff is, in any event, lousy with NOI sympathizers.) The newspaper “reported” that Jackson was the head of “United Security and Urban Services,” but Detroit News “reporters” Josh Katzenstein and Tom Greenwood had to know that that name was phony. The company’s real name was X-Men Security, a notorious NOI firm.

Some anonymous cowards from the NOI responded by leaving comments condemning me.

One person condemned me while signing her name, assuming that was her real name: Marcel Jackson’s widow, Hollie.
Hollie Jackson said...
No you did not do your research, your so-called facts are 100% false!! I'm Marcel's wife Hollie (married to this wonderful man for 17 yrs) and I am outraged that you would post such incorrect information on my husband who was the best in the security field that this city has seen. I Would hate for our 6 beautiful children to read such crap about their father who was a wonderful man who looked out for all people and who just wanted a better community for his family!! Marcel I miss you dearly!! A great thank you to The Detroit 300 and my church Greater Grace for their continuous support for our family!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 3:34:00 AM EDT

I responded, as follows.
Dear Mrs. Jackson,

You made a completely vague and unsubstantiated charge against me, regarding your late husband, may he rest in peace.

I let you vent. Now I demand of you to specify, in precise terms what, if anything, I misrepresented about him. For you have not supported your charge that my “so-called facts are 100% false!!“ with one iota of evidence. Indeed, the one factual statement you made, “No you did not do your research,” was 100% false.

Getting things right is a point of pride with me. However, baseless, bombastic condemnations do not humble me. If you can show that I got something wrong in my item, I would be glad to correct it. As it is, I said nothing about your husband personally.

It's a terrible thing for six children and a wife to lose their father, their husband, their breadwinner, their champion. Baselessly condemning stranger may not be in the same galaxy, but it's still nothing to be proud of.

Nicholas Stix
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at 2:49:00 PM EDT

That was the last I heard from Mrs. Hollie Jackson.

The Detroit News story I re-posted on June 21, 2012 quoted “Detroit 300 spokesman Che Daniels.” The spokesman in question is a prominent member of the NOI, where he is known as “Brother Che X Daniels.”


On June 22, 2012, I wrote, “The Detroit News is in the Pocket of the Murder Cult, the Nation of Islam: It Named One of NOI Front Detroit 300’s Leaders, Raphael B. Johnson, ‘Michiganian of the Year.’”

At the Detroit News.

1 comment:

  1. Nicholas, I would love to speak to you more about this particular case, from the other side of those involved. There appears to be so much more to this story. We are interested in finding out who murdered Marcel as well because there are plenty of holes in this case, proving that one of the men convicted was not, in fact, the actual murderer. The justice system has failed all of us with this conviction & this case is full of police misconduct & mishandling of evidence, false eyewitnesses & testimony, social connections, & many other things that corrupt officials do not want known. Please contact me at We need any help we can get getting the truth out.
