Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Brad Morris, of Round Up and Deport Every Illegal Alien in the USA, on CUNY Baruch College Riot Suspect Eric Linsker


Suspect Eric Linsker and his lawyer yukking it up in a New York City courtroom

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Round Up and Deport Every Illegal Alien in the USA

Morris’ letter on Facebook.


I wrote the following comment to Brad Morris:

Good letter, Brad. The Post is the only NYC daily that would have published it. I taught English Comp at Baruch, in fall, 1998. Communist Dept. They must love this guy. I got permanently whitelisted, because I had my students read my expose on so-called ebonics, and published an essay in the school paper, opposing young black irrigating Harlem's gutters with their own blood, in support of Khalid Abdul Muhammad's New Black Panther Party.

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