Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Berkeley: White Lefty Goes to Eric Garner Protest, Wearing “COPS STOP KILLING BLACK MEN,” Only to Get Bashed Almost to Death with a Hammer! (Photo)

“When a protester tried to stop growing vandalism, he was hit with a hammer, Officer Jennifer Coats said….

“There was no immediate word of any serious injuries.”

NBC News “reporter”>Alexander Smith.
By the way, the headline for Smith’s December 7 story is, “Eric Garner, Michael Brown Deaths Spark Protests in Berkeley, California.”

First of all, these weren’t “protests,” they were riots. Eric Garner died, resisting arrest on July 17. Michael Brown died trying to murder white policeman Darren Wilson on August 9. How can riots be “sparked” by something that happened four or five months ago?

The MSM has for many years used the verb “spark,” as a pretext to rationalize unjustifiable, racist black or brown violence that followed quickly on some other incident. But now apparently, anything in the past can “spark” racist black or brown violence. What’s next, “Death of Nat Turner Sparks Nationwide Protests”?

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