Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Stix-Satterfield Nuptials Off—Lovebird Journalists Break Over Ferguson, Leonard Pitts Jr., and Martin Luther King Jr.

By Nicholas Stix


  1. "Organize....learn to protest". I think they've learned how to protest plenty. For some of them that's all they can do. Maybe they can learn something in school and then do something really radical like working for a living without being a nuisance to other people.
    Columnists such as LP are incapable of ever writing about anything that's not about themselves; the level of maudlin self-absorption shown by these types is just downright staggering, not to mention predictable and boring.

  2. King was a plagiarist and whoremonger. Oh I almost forgot the most important flaw, communist. Truly feet of clay.

  3. Jamie's tweeting again after taking Thanksgiving off. She links to a Guardian article blaming everybody but Obama, Holder, and the rioters.

    David In TN

  4. David,

    Yeah, I read that Guardian thing. It reads as if it were written by a paralegal in Benjamin Crump's office.

  5. Nicholas,

    Jamie has a new blog. Google "Knox Blog Lady Justice Unmasked"

    David In TN

  6. Thanks.

    "What you won’t find here is boring legalese, sugar-coated commentary, spin or proper grammar (if you believe my zany Gatlinburg-Pittman High School English teacher, Ruth Lewis.)"

    Unfortunately, we both know in advance that we will find pc spin.
