Sunday, November 23, 2014

Reverse Reporting Alert at Milwaukee Journal Sentinel! Fake Journalist Lies About Hate Crime Murder of 5-Year-Old White Girl, Laylah Peterson, in Order to Advance Her Gun-Grabbing Agenda


“Sierra Guyton, 10, (left) and Laylah Peterson, 5, are among at least 11 Milwaukee children killed by errant gunfire since 1995.” [Liar!]

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

In the reportorial below, reporter-impersonator Gina Barton tells a bald-faced lie: “Laylah C. Petersenbecame one of about 300 Americans per year killed by stray bullets.”

Laylah C. Petersen was not killed by a stray bullet. She was shot in the head by a bullet intended for her.

Two black murderers walked up to Laylah’s house, and unleashed a hail of gunfire into it, at least 12 rounds, killing Laylah as she sat inside on her grandfather’s lap.

Milwaukee police admitted that the people living in the house were “targeted,” but refused to explain what that meant: They were white, and had the temerity to live in a 77 percent black neighborhood. They were targeted for racial cleansing. If anything, the media helped incite the child’s murder, with its rabid anti-propaganda, especially since racist, Ferguson, MO thug Michael Brown’s failed August 9 attempted murder of white police officer Darren Wilson.

Gina Barton is so lacking in any journalistic integrity that she took the hate crime murder of Laylah C. Petersen, and sought to exploit it for her hobby horse of violating whites’ and Asians’ Second Amendment rights. I didn’t say, “blacks and Hispanics’ Second Amendment rights,” because as Barton, I, and everyone else knows, blacks and Hispanics will arm themselves, gun-grabbing laws or no laws. Barton seeks to disarm whites, so that her black and brown supremacist allies will have an easier time wiping them put. Note that her “experts’” talking points couldn’t possibly have saved Laylah. They simply ran out the same damned talking points they always do. Indeed, it looks as though Barton had already written her editorial, and just slapped on the irrelevant story of Laylah C. Petersen, because the child had just been murdered, and people are irrationally moved by ledes about dead kids, even if they’re to the wrong story. And of course, some people won’t know that Barton was lying about the circumstances of Laylah’s death.

Experts offer concrete steps for lowering gun violence
By Gina Barton
Journal Sentinel

On Thursday night, 5-year-old Laylah C. Petersen became one of about 300 Americans per year killed by stray bullets.

Laylah, who was sitting on her grandfather's lap when a bullet pierced the wall of her home and struck her in the head, joins Sierra Guyton, 10, fatally shot on a playground in May, and at least nine other Milwaukee children killed by errant gunfire since 1995.

On Friday, city residents were once again left with this question: "What can we do?"

While the answer is multifaceted, one thing is clear, according to Joshua Horwitz, executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence.

"We've got to do better."

Horwitz and other national [gun-grabber activist/propagandists] experts, in town for a previously scheduled symposium on preventing gun violence, have some concrete ideas on where to start.

Universal background checks for gun purchases are a fundamental first step, they said. But background checks as they currently exist often target the wrong people. Violent misdemeanor convictions, for example, are a good predictor of future gun violence but don't stand in the way of legal gun purchases in Wisconsin.

People who lawfully bought guns after being convicted of two violent misdemeanors were 10 to 15 times more likely to later be arrested for murder, rape or aggravated assault than gun buyers without that kind of criminal record, according to a study conducted by Garen J. Wintemute, a physician and the Baker-Teret chair in violence prevention at the University of California-Davis School of Medicine.

"There are guns, and there are dangerous people, and when you put them together, you increase the risk," said Jeffrey Swanson, a professor in psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Duke University School of Medicine.

The experts would like to see people convicted of a single violent misdemeanor barred from buying a gun for 10 years.

People with two or more drunken driving convictions or misdemeanor drug convictions within five years should be barred from purchasing or possessing guns for five years, since alcohol and drug abuse are known risk factors for violence, according to the experts, all part of a coalition known as the Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy.

In Wisconsin, as long as the misdemeanors aren't related to domestic violence, numerous convictions can't stop someone from legally purchasing a gun and obtaining a concealed carry permit. Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn has long campaigned for that to change.

Flynn also wants to see the crime of illegally carrying a concealed weapon upgraded from a misdemeanor to a felony with a minimum three-year jail term.

That wouldn't be necessary if people with violent misdemeanor records are barred from possessing a gun in the first place, as is the case in California, Wintemute said. If those people are later caught with a firearm, they face felony charges.

People in crisis — mental health or otherwise — also need to be temporarily denied access to guns they already own, the researchers said.

To that end, the consortium recommends legislation to establish gun violence restraining orders. This would allow family members who believe their loved ones are at risk of harming themselves or others to petition a court and ask that their guns be seized until the crisis passes.

Research has shown that tightening rules for legal gun purchases also has reduced the prevalence of illegal guns, Wintemute said.

Tough sentences for career criminals in possession of guns and for people who legally buy guns and give or sell them to criminals can help prevent gun violence, according to James Santelle, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. But law enforcement is just one part of the solution.

"We need to fire on all of these cylinders — and hope there is a piece of it that does prevent the 5-year-old from getting killed — instead of the default of doing nothing," he said.

About Gina Barton

Gina Barton covers criminal justice. In 2013, she won a George Polk award for her investigation into the death of Derek Williams in Milwaukee police custody.



  1. The liberal media tries to say we are all the same through propaganda. How could one honestly care about the little negress? They are shot by fellow blacks with such frequency it is routine. This is the reason for lumping them together to lessen and whitewash the occurrence of a hate crime. I feel sorry for little Laylah, looks like a happy, cute little kid. The other? Nah.

  2. Those people in northern Wisconsin have all sorts of guns in liquor but when the Hmong shot those deer hunters dead that was the first murders in that county in thirty years.

  3. Frankly, I'm sick of Blacks and their MSM protectors using the euphemism "Gun Violence" to point the finger at other than Typical "N" Activity (TNA). Everyone needs to start confronting this directly and start using the proper terminology: "Felonious Black Gunfire (FBG)." The Cosmopolitan Gun Controllers sure do know their Cat's Paw: Black Women. They are virtually PARROTS of the Cosmopolitans and go into autonomous repeat mode: "The GUN caused the Crime, Whitey!"

    If anything, we need to ELIMINATE all laws against concealed carry and adopt carry laws like in Vermont, Arizona and Alaska: put a gun in your pocket and walk out the door and not worry about the local Constabulary enforcing the Cosmopolitan's gun laws. We NEED TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF DEAD CRIMINALS, contra the communist intellectuals that form the gun control committees and editorial writers.
