Wednesday, November 26, 2014

“Burn This Bitch Down!” Violent Racist Louis Head, the Stepfather of the Late, Racist, Failed, Would-be Cop-Killer Mike Brown, Inciting Riots and Arson, Immediately Following Grand Jury’s Refusal to Issue a True Bill Against Innocent White Policeman Darren Wilson

By Nicholas Stix

It seems that the Today Show censored the videotape of Head. So, let’s be clear. He shouted,

“Burn this bitch down!”

He shouted, “Burn this bitch down!”

He shouted, “Burn this bitch down!”

And so the black lynch mob did.


  1. Without question those persons whose property was burned can sue in civil court the father of Brown. He helped to establish a climate that led to the arson. If the father is counting on a large settlement from civil court let him beware too.

  2. He didn't say burn this bitch down. He said burn this motherfucking bitch down. All the words need to be included.

    Like with Treyvons saying a creepy guy is following me.

    NO! A creepy whitey assed kill your neighbors cracker is following me.
