Saturday, October 25, 2014

The MSM Keep Whole Classes of Murderers in “Protective Verbal Custody”

By Nicholas Stix


1 comment:

  1. The Thornton fambly likes to kill whitey.

    Charles Thornton in Missouri shot up the city council.

    Omar Thornton in Connecticut shot up the distributor.

    Both guys were just plain evil.

    And the disgruntled and angry minority shooter is disgruntled and angry because of his own misdeeds that were detected.

    Omar was stealing large quantities of beer and had probably been coached to do so before he was even hired by the beer distributor.

    Charles was a scofflaw that had numerous parking and illegal dumping violations he would not pay. $40,000 worth of violations that the city was willing to settle at ten cents on the dollar but the proud negro was unwilling to pay even that.

    Charles said "the truth would come out". OH YES it sure has and it makes him look really bad.

    Just plain ordinary bad people their true and basic nature cannot be denied.
