Friday, October 17, 2014

Black Suspected War Criminal, Kasey Nesbitt, Allegedly Rapes Raceless, 100-Year-Old Woman, Then Smirks in His Mug Shot


Kasey Nesbitt's most recent mug shot

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I thank the raceless reader who sent me this story.



Kansas man charged in rape of 100-year-old
By Crimesider Staff/AP
October 16, 2014, 12:53 P.M.
CBS News

WICHITA, Kan. - Wichita authorities have charged a man in the sexual assault of a 100-year-old woman during a break-in at her home.

Kasey Nesbitt, 35, made his first court appearance Wednesday and was charged with rape and aggravated burglary.

The woman, who lives alone, told police that intruders forced open the door of her home on Sept. 29. She says they were in her home for several hours. Police say forensic evidence linked Nesbitt to the rape.

Nesbitt is being held in the Sedgwick County Jail on $250,000 bond. Online jail records didn't indicate an attorney.


  1. Bleeding Kansas. I can recall very well a conversation I had during my military service with a man from Wichita. He said the whitey and negro got along just fine there. Never had a problem and everyone was as a brother and sister. ONLY in the big northern cities did folks not get along, because we were all crowded together too close.

  2. Here's a followup to the Nesbitt story Nicholas. I didn't have the victims name or a photo when I sent the link to the story and have been scouting around, but still no luck, however I did stumble onto the guys rap sheet posted online. You know the old saying: Rap sheet as long as your arm.
    He's a career criminal though it's mostly a lot of petty stuff. I have a hunch he's committed sex offenses before and just hasn't been caught until now. When you rape a 100 year old woman and are 35 years old you're not likely a newbie at the game. Jerry PDX

  3. And this isn't the first time we've seen a 90-100 year old white victim of a black rapist (murderer).

    David In TN

  4. It's those dead eyes staring out of all those mug shots of blacks that they all seem so proud of that tells me all I need to know about blacks.

  5. Just another day in the black adult day care center that is the USA.

    1. Comrade Commodore G., you said it, the USA is an adult day care for the randy, feral undertow. They do as they please never playing by the rules or laws..Tax payers feed and house them, but its never enough. They just have to have their additional source of entertainment, like home invasion and elderly rape.
