Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin, and the Four Dirty Little Secrets of Black America: A Reader Writes

[The connection to the Ferguson, MO riots should be obvious.]

“Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin and the Four Dirty Little Secrets of Black America.”

This article pointed out a few things that every white needs to know.

1. Truth. Blacks have no concept of “truth”. There is only self-dramatization for self-consumption. At all times with blacks, you are watching nothing more than a “performance.”

2. Morality. These “performances” by blacks have no moral content. They actually mean nothing. Whatever may be the so-called “reason” for the “performance,” i.e. a shooting, a funeral, a perceived “injustice,” none of that matters. They fake “caring” like they fake “sympathy,” in the same way bad actors fake emotions. It’s all to be on the stage for a moment and get some sense of self-importance.

3. Conviction and Promises. No black will ever learn from anything. No matter how horrible the experience, nothing will be learned. The lapse back into indifference and self-indulgence is irresistible. No matter how big the mistakes, they will shrug them off. Witness Obama. Likewise no plans to help blacks “improve” or self-motivate can ever be expected to follow through. To believe otherwise, and to throw money at the problem is the greatest folly of all.

So what kind of society can blacks live in and cause as little damage to others and themselves? The answer is the kind of society blacks generate for themselves when left totally alone. Witness Haiti. A tribal-based society of extended, ill-defined families ruled by the local strong man. An economy of subsistence agriculture. And above all, no contact with whites to enable or give credence to anything blacks say. The latter is the real source of the real damage done.

The answer is segregation.

Keep telling the truth.


  1. I read somewhere that acting is one profession at which blacks excel.

    David In TN

  2. Run, jump, throw, dance, sing.

    Don't forget those.

  3. The people of Haiti had contact with whitey people.

    The gay white boys from San Francisco found they could spend a week in Haiti, rend a seven year old boy for $10 and molest that boy for the whole period.
