Saturday, May 17, 2014

Scholarship, in Black (Humor)


Don't bet on it

By Puggg

[Additional material added at 11:06 a.m.]

"I'm a scholar, not a criminal"

An all black high school is holding its graduation ceremonies. The most popular athlete in the senior class isn't allowed to graduate because he didn't pass enough classes.

The graduates beg the principal to let him graduate.

Principal responds, "Okay, I'll let you graduate if you can answer a simple math question. What is two plus three?"

He answers, "Six."

Principal says, "Wrong. You can't graduate."

Graduates yell out, "Principal, give him another chance."

Principal: "Okay, one more chance. What is seven times five?"

He answers, "Forty-two."

Principal: "Wrong. Sorry once again, you're not graduating."

The graduates quickly beg the principal to give him yet another last chance.

Principal: "Okay, what is 24 divided by 8?"

The athlete answers: "Three."

The graduates all yell out:

"Aw please, principal, give him another chance!"

Via Give Rodney a chance.wmv


Upload by FTVoDka's channel.

Published on Mar 25, 2012 Jackie Martling Give Rodney a chance.wmv From the cd hotdogs and donuts
A tip ‘o the hate to Oil Can Harry.


  1. In the context of the previous blog entry that image showing the kid holding the sign is so appropriate. Sixty years after Brown you see how far things have come. Rather not so.

  2. Slay all these fuckkng shit ape niggers!!!
