Thursday, May 08, 2014

L.A. Clippers Owner Donald Sterling’s Wife Shelly to NBA: You’ll Steal Our Team Over My Dead Body


Donald and Rochelle Sterling

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy   TODAY | May 08, 2014 Donald Sterling’s wife: I will keep the Clippers Donald Sterling’s wife, Rochelle Sterling, has told the L.A. Times she intends to keep the Los Angeles Clippers, even as the league tries to force her husband to sell the team.


  1. Now what is wrong with this Rochelle that this Donald has to mess around with some V. Stiviano [if that is what her real name is]?

    And the answer is nothing wrong?

    Those two have been married fifty years and yet Donald behaves as a major ass and all around bad guy. As Ann Coulter has noticed and commented about.

  2. And now what about the Clippers and selling them and who will buy. A consortium of negro retired basketball players with all their jillions of dollars perhaps? Forget it.
