Saturday, April 05, 2014

The Great Ivy League Affirmative Action Conspiracy


Kwasi Enin, the son of Ghanaian immigrant parents, was admitted by all eight Ivy League schools

By Nicholas Stix

“Do Ivy League Schools Collude on Admissions?”


  1. Harvard sucks.

    In fact, all the Ivies suck.

    I went to high school with a Negro who was accepted to Princeton.

    I and some of my fellow high school classmates got together the Christmas after we graduated.

    I asked about Dwight (real name) and how he was doing at Princeton.

    "He's struggling," I was told.

    Dwight is an only child, and his father was a captain in the Air Force. He had everything growing up including a two parent household and a house in suburbia.

    Yet he was "struggling" at Princeton.

  2. I live in that Chicago community that has the greatest number of African immigrants. You can spot them just from appearance.

    Darker in skin color, do not wear the exaggerated clothing and do not walk in the exaggerated manner. Friendly folks and not surly as an American negro is.

    These African immigrants are often quite well educated and appear to be normal folk assets to the community.
