Saturday, April 05, 2014

New York Public School Engages in Homosexual Child Molestation Under Cover of “Anti-Bullying” Program, Grooming Young Girls to Become Lesbians

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

I’ve been writing about this sort of thing for at least ten years:

“How Elites Impose Gay Marriage from the Top Down.”

Middle School Anti-Bullying Lesson Includes Lesbian Role Play
By Todd Starnes
Circa April 18, 2013
Fox News

Young girls at a New York middle school were instructed to ask one another for a lesbian kiss and boys were given guidance on how to tell if women are sluts during an anti-bullying presentation on gender identity and sexual orientation, angry parents allege.


The special health class was held last week at Linden Avenue Middle School in Red Hook, NY. The students were separated by gender – with students from Bard College leading the workshops.

Parents are especially furious after their young daughters were told that it was perfectly normal for 14-year-old girls to have sex and there was nothing their parents could do to intervene.

The boys and girls were also given a sexual vocabulary primer – that included words like “pansexual” and “genderqueer.”

“I am furious,” said Mandy Coon, whose daughter was in the class. “I am her parent. Where does anyone get the right to tell her that it’s okay for her to have sex?”


Coon told Fox News that her daughter was upset by the classroom lecture and was confused about why she had to ask another girl for a kiss.

“She told me, ‘Mom, we all get teased and picked on enough – now I’m going to be called a lesbian because I had to ask another girl if I could kiss her,’” Coon said.
She said the school told her that the purpose of the lesson was to “teach girls boundaries and how to say no.”

“They also picked two girls to stand in front of the class and pretend they were lesbians on a date,” Coons said.

Paul Finch, the superintendent of the Red Hook Central School District, told the Poughkeepsie Journal that the workshop focused on “improving culture, relationships, communication and self-perceptions.”

He told the newspaper those were issues the school was obligated to teach under the state’s Dignity for All Students Act.

The state law requires schools to create a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment and bullying, the newspaper reported.

Parents said they were not notified about the class or the subject matter.

“The school is overstepping its bounds in not notifying parents first and giving us the choice,” parent Tara Burns told Fox News. “I thought it was very inappropriate. That kind of instruction is best left up to the parents.”

Parents of male students were also upset after the college-aged lecturer discussed items like condom usage and whether girls are sluts.

“I was absolutely furious – really furious,” said the parent of a 13-year-old who asked not to be identified. “They were teaching the boys how to decipher if a girl is a slut.”

The parent said the boys were told you could make that determination by how girls dress or how many boys they date.

“We don’t judge people like that in our family,” she said. “We don’t call women names because of what they wear or who they date.”

The parent told Fox News that boys were also instructed to always have a condom in their wallet.

“These are just kids,” she said. “I’m dumbfounded that they found this class was appropriate.”

Coon wondered why the school district allowed college students to lead the workshops without teacher involvement.

“Those student were not licensed, they are not trained professionals,” she said.

Parents confront Red Hook school officials over controversial presentation to 8th graders
April 17, 2013
Red Hook Observer

Red Hook school officials were confronted by parents last night about a controversial workshop presented to eighth graders last week, in part by Bard College students.

About 50 parents attended the meeting at Linden Avenue Middle School with Dr. Katie Zahedi, the school principal, and other school staff, called after controversy erupted online following the workshop last week.

The workshop, given separately to boys and girls, was a school effort to educate kids about bullying to comply with DASA (The Dignity for All Students Act) legislation and also to raise awareness of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning/queer youth).

[Bull. There was no legal requirement that they do what they did. That's why they kept it a secret from parents.]

But on a Facebook forum after the April 11 class, irate parents said their children came home saying the boys were taught how to tell if girls were “sluts” and the girls were told to practice saying ‘no’ by asking each other on a date and kissing.

Of those who attended, many parents were also in support of the class and spoke in favor of the program.

The workshops included three Bard students, and parents had said it was unclear whether any teachers were present, a claim the school has denied. In addition, a leaflet was distributed with specific terms defining LGBTQ, which students brought home to their parents.

During the 2 hour meeting, Zahedi addressed numerous rumors that had been circulating about what had happened during the presentations, labeling as “patently false” the online claim that kids were told they could have sex no matter what parents or teacher said.

The students were told they shouldn’t feel pressured to have sex, Zahedi said, adding that she doesn’t like middle schoolers dating at all.

“I’m not surprised there was a big reaction,” she said, adding “We’ll go into classes again and make sure” the students understood the purpose of the workshops.

On the question of why Bard students were involved in the classes, Zahedi said they were trained in peer counseling. But one woman pointed out that the peer counseling was likely meant for dorm-room situations, not eighth-graders.

[The Bard students were homosexual groomers. We’ve seen this before in Massachusetts.]

Zahedi agreed that including the Bard student email addresses on the flyer was a mistake. While the students thought they were doing the right thing, the school didn’t want the dialogue to be ongoing, she said.

She also refuted [sic] claims that the workshops were sex-education, saying the topic of sex was never brought up by the instructors, and any hypothetical scenarios always revolved around a kiss.

[To deny is not to “refute.”]

Guidance counselor Ryan Carney said part of the purpose of the program was to confront gender stereotypes such as “guys never ask for directions,” and for the boys, tell them “they really can express emotion.”

On the question of teachers in attendance, one parent said her child told her the teacher left as soon as the girls went into the classroom. But Zahedi said the class was monitored by a teacher behind a divider.

In the end, parents asked that they be notified before sexual topics were discussed in class, and school officials agreed.

NOTE: This story has been updated at 9am and then at 11:30am – The Observer will have a full article in the print edition on April 24.


  1. If you do a google search on this incident there are several articles refuting this story. If you read them however, you will note their denials are very disingenuous. They say: things didn't happen exactly like the kids claimed. Of course they don't offer an alternate explanation just an insinuation the kids were exaggerating in some way. I don't buy that for a second. Kids don't want to bring up the subject of sex voluntarily and homosexuality can be even more uncomfortable. These kids would never had said anything unless something very very uncomfortable happened. Plus, what is the subject of sex in any way shape or form coming up in a "supposed" anti bullying class anyways? I'd be curious to know the gender and orientation of the "teachers" in this class. According to reports they weren't actual teachers but college students. Were there lesbians of the radical feminist variety working with these students? They are particularly militant about promoting the lesbian message toward underage females, though of course the media entertainment complex and plenty of hetero adult males with a fixation on lesbianism are complicit with them. I've worked hard to keep my children, especially my daughter, from the blitz of gratuitous lesbianism in movies and TV but what can you do when they sneak in those messages in a class such as this. I'd be enraged if this had happened to my kids. Some parents clearly are outraged but from what I read of their statements they seemed to be focused on "Why is sex coming up" more than "Why is lesbianism being promoted to our daughters?", which suggests there is an underlying fear of being tagged as being "anti gay". In way you can't blame them though, if they were to say anything that could be interpreted as "homophobic" the militant lesbians and their supporters would turn the debate toward their supposed "bigotry". Jerry

  2. I only saw the rerun of the Archie Bunker episode from forty years ago.

    The episode with Veronica the lesbian school teacher.

    Archie says "they" want to get into the schools and teach the kids "this stuff".

    Well, Archie was right, wasn't he!!!
