Thursday, April 10, 2014

Ann Coulter: Casino Boss and Amnesty Tout Sheldon Adelson: Competition for Thee, but Not for Me


Sheldon Adelson doing his Ray Charles impression

By Nicholas Stix



  1. Though Coulter makes some excellent points in her essay, conservatives like Ann Coulter – who abhor the “browning of America” – make it very difficult for other conservatives to effectively address immigration issues. See the new book, Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age, at

  2. And what might those "excellent points" be?

    And how, pray tell, would "conservatives ... who abhor the 'browning of America' – make it very difficult for other conservatives to effectively address immigration issues"? How would a "conservative" who doesn't abhor the “browning of America” effectively address immigration issues? The answer: He doesn't.

    Methinks you're a concern troll.

  3. There could be some humor there.

    If Ann is a coal burner but abhors the browning of America, then,......


  4. The conservative does not necessarily abhor immigration.

    Immigration and the desire of persons to emigrate to the U.S. is not necessarily all so bad.

    American must be doing something right if persons still want to come here.

    What the conservative abhors is the manner with which current immigration is being accomplished.

    NOT illegal as done by so many now.

    Peaceful, orderly, legal and most do not have a problem.

    But with none of this Spanish TV and Spanish radio, etc.
